Not now.

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The next few months had been rather relaxing. I got back into shape, eating more and becoming more healthy. I have built a stronger relationship with my family and become closer to my mother in particular. I finally had my freedom back, I could do as I pleased. Seven months into this pregnancy and I am already the size of a house. My back is killing me, but I waddle around. Frigga and Thor would come over occasionally to see me, discussing the arrangements for when the baby is born.

"You know, we haven't seen you at a royal feast in months Liara, you really must come." Thor boomed at me. I sipped at my crystal tea and peered over at him.

"Now why would I do that? I am gigantic and my belly would get in the way, I can't drink and I have no nice clothes to wear." He looked at my ever growing stomach and laughed.

"Well I am sure the seamstress can fix an old dress up. Please, it hasn't been the same. Your family will be coming to!" Thor was obviously bored at the palace. No Loki for him to play tricks with and his duties to the kingdom were wearing him out. I glared at him as he used his puppy dog eyes on me.

"Fine!" I cried out, finally giving in.

"Marvellous, verily tonight, we feast!" And with that he was gone. Mother came in from the garden with some flowers.

"Thor gone already?" She asked as she pruned the prickly ones.

"Yes, but his sole purpose of being here was the persuade us to attend a feast tonight." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Tonight? Surely not, I have nothing to wear!" She responded like a teenage girl. I raised an eyebrow at her. "None of my colours are in season. Blue is all in now, and I just don't have one." I had never seen my mother so anxious about clothes.

"You mean like the royal blue dress I wore to Thor's birthday?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes, exactly that. The style and colour." She said pondering.

"Then you shall wear that dress and you can have it." I replied. She looked shocked.

"Dear, I could not possibly..." She began to say.

"I'm never going to fit into it again and its just going to waste. Your the same size, why not?" Her eye lids flickered tremendously, hinting that she really wanted the dress. "Then it is settled, I shall go up to the palace and fetch it." I said heaving myself off of the chair.

"Oh no, I will go. You sit down." She said trying to push me down back into the chair.

"No, I need the fresh air and I am not that incapable of movement." I laughed. I once again pushed myself up and waddled over to put my cloak on. As I walked out the sunlight was beautiful. I had not been out in weeks and even then I was in a carriage. Children played on the side of the roads, laughing and jumping along. By the time I had reached the steps I was already out of breath. It was a strange feeling to walk these halls again, I had not been in them for months. Upon entering my old chambers I realised everything was left the same, nothing was touched. The sheets were slightly crinkled from where I had left them. My armour and black dress slung over a chair to the side and the candle all burnt out. Much of the furniture had dust on it and it smelt damp. Shaking my head of memories I found the dress I wanted quickly and left. The dress could do with a wash, but it would suffice. I was wondering what I should wear tonight when an unwelcome call came from behind me.

"My, my, we have grown haven't we?" A dark silky voice cried out.

"You tend to when you are seven months pregnant." I smirked as I turned to face Enchantress.

"Yes I know, poor child. Can you think of how ugly it is going to be with you as a mother." She leered at me. I clenched my fists trying to keep my power under control. "I never did see what Loki saw in you. You were always too... frumpy, not all that." She continued with insults, trying to provoke a reaction with in me.

"Is there anything you particularly want? If not I will be leaving now." I said turning around to go.

"Yes run home to your loving parents, go and be spoilt. My parents would be ashamed of me if I was in your condition." She spat out. She never gives up. Even as a child she was crude and evil, playing games with peoples feeling and minds.

"Ok firstly, Even though I am pregnant, I could still kick your ass." I spoke clear and concisely.

"I Would like to see you try." She snorted.

"And secondly, my pregnancy is nothing to be ashamed off! Loki and I were married. And as much as you like to protest about it, we loved each other and this child is a symbol of that love. I am sorry if you are incapable of loving anyone and frankly you don't deserve anyone, but do not bring that down on me. You have no idea what I have been through, Richia." Her face looked shocked that I used her real name, no one did anymore. Seeing that she had no come back I turned the corner and out of her sight. Suddenly a shooting pain rattled through my body, causing me to give a cry of pain and to drop the dress. I held my stomach as the pain slowly subsided. Breathing slowly I stood up. After another step the pain resurfaced but faster. Another cry of pain escaped my lips as I crashed into the wall beside me.

"Liara?" Enchantress said running up to me. Her eyes quickly looked to the floor. My eyes followed and I spotted a growing puddle of water. "You need help." She said  trying to help me up.

"Not from you!" I groaned through the pain and ripping my arm from her grasp.

"Liara, I maybe evil, but I am not that cruel. Your water has broken, you need to get to a healing room." She said concerned. This was too early, I still had two months left, this could not happen now. I accepted her help as she lead me back to the room. She laid me on the bed and went to fetch someone. I started to take short and quick breath's as the pain shot through my stomach.

"Oh God!" I cried out in pain as I felt myself contract. I sat up and my fingers wrapped around the soft pillows surrounding me. I was burning up. Frigga came running in with a maternal maid.

"My dear, your mother has been sent for. Has it started?" She asked out of breath, she had obviously been running.

"What do you think?" I replied sarcastically. Another contraction came in a huge wave. My top half of my body thrust forward in an attempt to push. I was sure my cry's were so loud the whole kingdom could hear me.

"The child will be small, it is a very early birth." The maid said in a worrying tone. Sweat started to appear on my brow and it slowly trickled down my face. Now my mother finally came running in.

"Oh darling what happened?" She asked as she knelt at my side. She took my hand and I squeezed it very hard.

"Had a..." A scream left my throat before I could finish. "little encounter..." My body was throbbing and heating up. "With...Enchantress." I managed to finally cry out.

"How long ago did this start?" She asked.

"No more...than... a few minutes ago!" I screamed out in-between breathes.

"Really? You look like you have been in labour for hours?" She said seriously.

"Thanks mother." I rolled my eyes at her. My hair was now forming dreadlocks from the sweat pouring off of my head. The maid looked up at me a smiled.

"Ready my lady, PUSH!"             

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