Line of succession.

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I threw open the doors to our room so hard they crashed against the walls beside them. I was so angry with them. Loki was sitting up in his side of the bed, just staring into space, looked like he was in deep thought. I did not blame him, not with everything that had occurred today.

“Those people!” I screamed out agitated, grasping at the roots of my hair. Loki did not even move or twitch. I fell backwards onto my side of the bed and let out a groan of frustration. “Dear you look weary, are you ok?” I mimicked what Loki might say to me, annoyed he did not even look at me when I came in. “Well no, not with Lady Sif and warrior’s three!” I said over exaggerating my tone of voice. Loki suddenly blinked and looked at me.

“I’m sorry what?” he asked looking at me innocently.

“Never mind!” I groaned, pushing myself up to get changed. I got changed and climbed back into bed.

“Well it’s been an eventful day.” Loki huffed out.

“You don’t say?” I laughed sarcastically. Today had been a nightmare, Yodenheim, frost giants, Thor’s being banished and Loki being labelled as a traitor; not that I had the heart to tell him.

“I talked to my father today.” I said whilst laying there. I could hear Loki sigh rather loudly at my comment. “What?” I asked offended.

“Nothing carrying on.” He moaned. To tell the truth it was a bit vague after all of the events of today.

“I started to tell him about it and he told me it was just a dream.” I started to say.

“There you are a dream. Just like I said.” Loki said cutting me off and rolling over.  

“No, it was the way he said it. He snapped and it was sudden, like he was hiding something.” Loki reluctantly rolled back over to face me.

“Can’t you just let this go; accept it was a dream nothing more.” He moaned and groaned, he really got cranky when he was tired. I looked at him with disgust.

“He told me to drop it, and that is not like my father. There is something to it, I know it.” I argued. I looked over to Loki, but he was not paying any attention. He was instead looking at his hand again. “God Loki, stop looking at your hand! It’s still there unharmed!” I shouted. I grabbed the hand he was looking at and waved it in front of him. He snatched it back and held it like it was hurt.

“That’s the problem, it should be.” He replied sternly.

“Should be what? Hurt? Loki its fine, no scratches or grazes, get over it.” I screamed, I was beginning to lose my voice.

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand!” He shouted back at me.

“Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?” I asked insulted. He did not reply and he went back to cradling his hand.

“Oh for god’s sake, go and find some answers. Stop wasting my time!” I moaned. Loki looked up at me with a shockingly serious face.

“Fine, maybe I will!” He threw the covers of off his body and stood up.

“Good!” I screamed at him.

“Brilliant!” He shouted back.


“Molto Bene!”  

“Great!” And with that the door closed behind him with a huge bang. The doors nearly vibrated out of their hinges. I screwed up the covers in my hands, so annoyed, so aggravated. I let out a growl that gradually turned into a loud scream as I collapsed onto the empty bed.

It must have been hours after Loki had left, and I still could not get to sleep. This must have been one of our worst arguments ever. I could not help thinking about Thor, how desolate he must be down there all alone. I stretched out, taking up the entire space of the bed. I kicked off the covers and put on my golden silk dressing gown. Pulling it up high to my neck I walked out onto the balcony. A few guards marched passed below, their armour clinking as they went. Azgard was so silent at night, almost dead. There was no night life here, no animals like on Earth. An unfamiliar breeze shot through the kingdom causing me to wrap my arms around my body pulling my robe tighter. Suddenly a knock came at the door. I turned around confused, if it was Loki he would have walked straight in, and so who was it at this hour.

“Come in.” I called walking back into the room. I had just reached the bed when a single guard entered the room and got down on one knee. I narrowed my eyes at him confused at his behaviour. “What is it?” I asked. He did not look up at me, he kept his head down and his right fist clenched to his armoured chest.

“The Queen demands your presence.” He said bluntly.

“What for, have you seen the hour?” I questioned. He gave a slight nod to signal that he had.

“Please forgive me but the all father has fallen into the Odin sleep.” The guard said still crouched before me. This shocked me but why would Frigga want me there.

“Of course, tell the Queen I am on my way.” I replied and the guard stood up and dispatched himself. I did not realise that Odin had planned an Odin sleep, and if it was unexpected I do not know what was going to happen. I had no time to dress so I walked down the corridors tucked up in my dressing gown. Some guards opened the golden doors to Odin’s chambers. I walked in to see Frigga and Loki in the middle of an intimate moment. Loki was leaning threateningly over the bed the all father was in. When they realised my presence Loki leaned back into his seat.

“I’m sorry.” I said knowing I had come in at an awkward moment.

“That’s alright my dear, come.” Frigga smiled and held out her hand to me. I walked to the side of the bed she was on; not daring to look at the side Loki was on. I looked over to Odin who was lying in his huge golden bed, a brown fur cover pulled up to his chest. The room was dark and only his bed was lit. I sat down next to Frigga. I looked briefly at Loki, and he was obviously distraught.

“How long will it last?” Loki asked, not acknowledging my presence.

“I do not know. This time we were unprepared.” Frigga whispered back as she looked over her husband. I held her hand as Loki was not doing it. She gave me a subtle smile.

“I will never get used to seeing him like this. The most powerful being in the nine realms, helpless, until his body is restored.” Loki looked over his father, but with a certain bit of hatred.

“He has put it off for so long now, but this time I fear…You are a good son. We mustn’t loose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother.” I could feel Frigga’s nerves as she shook beneath me.

“What hope it there for Thor?” Loki asked bitterly.

“There is always a purpose for what ever your father does.” Frigga explained. Loki stood up and began to leave.

“Loki wait.” I said standing up and walking over to him. I hugged him but his arms stood still, not moving by his sides. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered sadly.

“For what?” he asked looking down at me. I swallowed.

“For everything. My constant nagging, your father…” I said looking at the floor. “Did you find your answers?” I asked, trying to be polite. He nodded sharply, refusing to look at me. Before I could speak the doors were flung open, and several guards entered bowing to Loki’s feet. The high priest walked out, holding with gloved hands, Odin’s staff, and the seal of the king. I stepped to the side as he too bowed to Loki, offering him the staff. Loki looked at him, confused and bewildered. He turned to his mother, who had a soft smile on her lips.

“Thor is banished. The line of succession falls to you, until Odin awakens. Azgard is yours.” She said confidently and proudly. I looked at Loki as his gaze returned to the staff before him. He looked at it perplexed at the opportunity before him. He reached forward with both hands and gently lifted the staff out of the hands of the priest. He wrapped his fingers firmly around it and he looked to me. I did not know what to say.

“Make your father proud.” Frigga said sitting tall. “My King…”She said to Loki and then she turned to me, “And Queen.”                  

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