The Arrangement.

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I smashed the marble goblet on the bar ordering another. I was used to spending most nights on my own. The bar tender slid the goblet down the bar and I grabbed it with my open hand. As I threw its contense down the back of my throat the golden doors were opened behind me. I did not need to turn around to know who it was.

“You really have to stop drinking so much Liara.” A mischievous voice laughed from behind me. I gave a deep chuckle.

“Only when you stop playing tricks.” I said ordering another glass. Two identical horned figures stood either side of me. I half smirked as I turned to my left to face him. “What do you want Loki?” I asked. Immediately the figure to my right vanished into smoke.

“Honestly it is never fun when you know which one is the real me.” Loki grinned. Loki the God of mischief and son of Odin the all father. We had grown up together, played as children. Master of magic, and brother of Thor, God of Thunder. Over the years I had grown used to his tricks and learned to ignore them. Loki was wearing his gold helmet with two large horns growing from the top, stopping just above his neck so you could see short bits of his black hair beneath it. He was also wearing his ceremonial green cape and armour.

“Special occasion?” I asked downing another drink. Loki banged his fist on the bar ordering the same drink.

“Father has sent for me.” He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as he received his drink.

“That day has come already?” I said cheekily. We both knew what this meant. It was the day his future wife would be chosen for him. Being the son second of the all father meant he had no choice in the matter, unlike Thor who could chose for himself. It is sort of a tradition in Azgard. He slapped his lips and forcefully smiled. “Who do you think? Maybe Enchantress, no I know lady Sif.” I joked around. As I picked up my goblet three snakes popped out. I looked over to see a smug Loki. We both laughed.

“You never know with the all father, it could be anyone.” He said arms thrown apart, beginning to walk backwards. He was taking it better than I ever thought he would. I could not imagine having to be forced to marry someone.

“I will see you later.” I called as he left and the huge gold doors were closed behind him. I had one more drink before calling it quits. I pushed myself up from the bar and began to walk back home. The Azgard guards opened the gold gates to reveal my father looking pale and out of breath.

“Liara, where have you been?” He gasped.

“Where I always am, why what is it father, is mother not well?” I asked concerned.

“No, no she is well. You have been summoned. You must go home at once and put on your best robes, quickly.” He was saying things so fast. He wasn’t old but he wasn’t young either. I looked onto my father’s grey and weary face.

“Who has summoned me why, when?” I asked calmly.

“The all father, Odin. You must go at once, now!” He breathed and pushed out of the bar and towards home.

“Well surly not right now because Loki has been sent there to…” my words trailed off. If he wants me there right away, he wants me to…to…crap.

I could not believe this, it was madness. My mother and father were so proud and excited. They could not understand why I did not want to do this. Loki was one of my best friends, we played tricks on each other, I could not love him in the way a wife could. And of course if Odin commands it I have to obey. I am hoping Loki will talk him out of it. I scowled as my mother gave me a silk white robe to ware and a golden rope to tie around my waist. My mother cried as she put my thick brown hair into a crinkled pony tail to the side. Surly the all father will see we do not want this and since it is not official denounce it immediately. My father walked me up to Odin’s great hall. I could not see Loki anywhere. My father gave me a huge smile before backing away slowly, leaving me by myself standing outside the engraved silver doors. I took a deep breath and flattened out my dress. I stood there my heart beating miles per hours.

“Liara? What do you do here?” Loki’s strangely happy voice called. I turned around with a displeased look on my face.

“Guess.” I said bitterly, and returning to face the gigantic door in front of me. As he stood next to me, his face fell.

“Oh no.” he muttered looking me up and down.

“Oh yes, I am glad to see you are just as thrilled as I am.” I said sarcastically.

“No, theirs a mistake.” He said shaking his head. The doors squeaked as they were opened slowly. Loki rushed in before me. “Father.” He called sternly. I followed him carefully in. I had never been in Odin’s presence before. He was a average sized man, with a metal silver eye patch on his right eye. He wore armour much like Thor’s. He has long grey hair and a bushy grey beard. As I walked timidly in the big doors closed with a thud from behind me.  “You can not be serious in me marrying Liara.” He snapped.

“Loki, we have been raising you up with her, this has always been planned.” Odin whispered to his son, but I could still hear it. Loki stood back and sulked. Odin put his hand out towards me. “Dear Liara, come here.” He said gently. I walked up to him, placing my hand in his. “Tell me, will you Marry Loki, do you want to?” he asked kindly, but somehow threatening.

“Want and will are two different things.” I told him.

“You are feisty much like young Loki here. Will you marry him?” he asked again. Loki was now facing me, with big eyes. His pale complexion seemed as pale as ever.

“I will do as Odin commands.” I said biting my tongue before I said something I regretted. I had no intention of being banished for disobeying the all father. He gave me a smile and held out his other hand to Loki. He reluctantly took it, knowing he was about to seal his fate. I looked at him; he hated it as much as I did. He then joined our hands together, so mine was resting on top of Loki’s. It was done; this was official, now there was no backing down. Loki’s hand was cold and trembling. His beautiful green eyes seemed full of hatred.

“I will leave you now; I will see you both at the feast tonight.” Odin then walked out of the doors, and once more they closed behind him. Loki ripped his hand from mine, like I was cursed.

“I do not like this anymore than you do.” I shouted as he paced angrily up and down. 

“And you had no idea, apparently we were always destined to be together.” He shouted back at me. I had never seen him this angry before. He took off his helmet and threw it to the ground with a crash. His usually slick black hair was now all messy and scruffy. He wrapped his hand around his chin, pondering the events. I bit my lip as silence filled the huge throne room. I watched him as he sat moodily down on the step beneath the throne. He brushed his black hair back with his fingers.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered.
“No, it’s not your fault.” He sighed. I was shocked he had apologized for once, in a way. I sat down next to him.

“Could be worse.” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“Really how?” he asked looking at me.

“It could have been Lady Sith.” I laughed. Eventually he joined in. he threw his head back and breathe out heavily.

“Well.” He said slapping his thighs and standing up. “At least you can make me laugh. My lady.” He said holding out his hand.

“My Prince.” I joked taking his hand and pulling myself up. He gave me a smile and led me towards the great feasting hall. I would have to get used to it.                

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