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Dismounting my horse I sat down on a nearby rock. Massaging my forehead with my finger tips I reflected on my life. In this wood I have had some of the happiest memories of my life. Playing here as a child has always stuck in my head but there are other times I remember. Like getting lost in here with my little brother and crying for hours. I was even given my power here; this place has hidden so many memories. Thinking about it I never really have had any other friends except for Thor and Loki. I really have never had a connection with my family either. My life was a sad tale. I did not release the time and it was getting dark. A cool gentle breeze ran through Azgard as I walked beside my horse, heading towards the centre. It really was beautiful at night, the stars shining, the metallic buildings beaming in the sky. As I walked I came across a young girl, bright blonde hair, crying. Her knees were brought up to her face as she sobbed into them.

“Hello, are you ok?” I asked kindly bending down to her level. She did not look up but she sniffed and shook her head. “What’s the matter?” Her little watery eyes slowly lifted from her knees to look at me.

“I’m lost.” Her tiny cries were heart breaking.

“What’s your name? Maybe I can help, my name is Liara.” The little girl who could not have been more than seven blinked at me.

“You’re a princess?” Her cries seemed to subside. I smiled a little and nodded. I was not used to being called a princess but I suppose I am now.

“Do you know where you live?” I asked, and she replied with a nod. “Here.” I said holding out my hand. She stared at it for a while until I started to wiggle my fingers. She placed her cold tiny hand in mine and stumbled up, wiping away some tears. I walked her over to my horse and hoisted her up onto it. “So what is your name?” I asked sweetly as we entered the gates.

“Malina.” She replied shyly.

“That’s a beautiful name.” My smile grew as she gave a quiet girly giggle.

“Are you in love with Prince Loki?” She asked as we continued on and for some reason I could not lie to her.

“Yes.” I slightly laughed.

“When I grow up I am going to be just like you! I want to marry a prince and then I could be a princess!” She thought out loud in a dreamy tone.

“Do you?” I half laughed half asked.

“Yeah!” She grinned. Every girl’s fantasy as a child is to marry a prince and I would be lying to myself if I denied it.

“Malina!” An elderly woman ran over to us.

“Mamma!” The little girl cried out to her mum. She practically jumped off of the horse into her mother’s arms.

“Thank you.” Her mother said to me.

“That’s okay.” I said nodding. I waved to the little girl and continued my way home. After giving my horse back to the stables I rushed up the stairs knowing I was late getting back. I just about reached the gates when the silhouetted figure of Enchantress stepped in front of me.

“What do you want? I have no time for tricks.” I moaned as she refused to move.

“I just wanted to congratulate you.” She said bitterly.

“For the last time, I have told this to many people today, I am not pregnant!” I nearly shouted, the rumour was getting out of hand.

“Oh well that’s a pity, and it sounds like you won’t be having one any time soon.” She said mockingly. I bit my tongue, stopping any foul words from escaping my lips. “And you know men who are deprived of things they want, usually find it elsewhere.” She whispered.

“Just get out of my way.” I pushed passed her and closed the doors behind me with a bang. After taking a few breaths I continued towards my room, I did not want food, I just wanted to sleep. As I entered the room Loki was already in bed.

“And where have you been?” He asked as I got changed.

“Does it really matter?” I called back to him.

“Nope, just interested.” He moaned back. Walking out of the closet and tucking myself into bed I replied.

“If you must know, I was in the woods, thinking.”

“Mother said she had a nice talk with you this morning.” He said slyly. I stayed lying flat on my back but my head rolled over to face him.

“Did she really?”

“Yep so go on then, tell me your duties?” He laughed.

“Oh you know the old thing of sticking by you no matter what, supporting you ect, ect…” I said innocently.

“What’s ect, ect?” He asked intrigued, as he lay on his side to face me.

“Nothing.” I replied sweetly. He laid there staring at me with his cute childish smile on his face. “Well there was something in there about…you know maybe, possibly, starting a …family.” I said dismissing it immediately.

“Oh really?” He smiled. He started to poke my side.

“What are you doing?” I squealed, as he continued.

“Helping you perform your duties.” He laughed as his hand slid down the lower half of my leg. As if by reflex I kicked it off.

“Maybe I do not want to do my duties.” I laughed as I settled back down.

“Ooo, rebel.” Loki replied sarcastically, making me laugh like old times. I laid there in silence for a few seconds, still with a smile on my face.

“I missed this.” I thought out loud.

“Missed what?”

“This, being friends again, laughing with each other, it’s nice.” I replied.

“Yeah it is.” Loki’s charming smile still lit across his face.

“So go on then, you gonna tell me what you have been doing all day?” I nudged his arm playfully.    

“Oh you know nothing really exciting.” He smiled laying back down on the bed, his arms crossed behind his head.

“Nothing? You were gone when I woke up.” I questioned.

“Well it’s a surprise.”

“Oh a surprise? Do tell I love surprises!” I squealed, flipping over onto my tummy.

“But then it would not be a surprise then, would it?” He beamed his white teeth at me. I laid there, my big bold giant green eyes looking sadly down and a gentle pout on my red lips. After a few seconds I raised my eyes to meet with his and I gave a quick flutter of my eye lashes. The final push was to softly push the hair on my left side and place it behind my ear. “Oh stop it, if you really want to know, I was helping to design your new ceremonial robes.” He gave in finally.

“Ah, you didn’t have to do that.” I replied rubbing his arm. It was true I hated the other robes but I did not expect to be getting new ones any time soon.

“Yes I did have to do it. I could not have my wife walking around looking ugly can I?” He teased.

“So you admit it, the robes were terrible!” I shrieked, hitting him on the arm and my mouth open wide. “But thanks.” I was quick to say. Loki gave me a slight upwards nod and a gentle tug of his lips. As if from nowhere I planted a kiss on his cheek. His skin was usually cold and clammy, but it grew warmer from my touch. I spun around and lay with my back to Loki. I could feel his eyes staring at the back of my head. I mean this was not all bad; anyone would kill to be in the same bed as the sexy piece of man lying next to me. And for once I can say that I enjoyed it.

The God of Mischief | Loki fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now