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Taehyun didn't know when his lack of sleep started to catch up on him. It wasn't like he slept well every day on the rock-hard mattress, twisting and turning, repeating the words that seem to define him now.

"This was all your fault."

He tensed his muscles and relaxed them over and over again, trying to tire them out, anything that would keep his thoughts at bay with no method to cope. He couldn't sleep; even if the bags under his eyes begged him to lay his head down, the gunshot that started and ended everything rang clear through his head.

Taehyun looked to the moonlight for answers. It seemed to be the only thing that understood him nowadays. When everything was dark and he felt like falling down an empty void of bright stars, the moonlight kept him busy. It gave him hope. Oh, what a dangerous thing.

He played with the light; watched as it danced across the walls when his fingers poked holes into the rays and made small animals that younger Taehyun would've laughed at. He cracked a smile at an old memory. The first and last normal memory he recalls. And will ever remember.



No response.

Taehyun shouldn't have been surprised. Instead of waiting under the blanket of stars, he started to tug on the rope that kept the boat from floating away to sea.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm a pirate!" he said out loud, giggling, not knowing any better as the 6-year-old he was. As soon as the knot came undone, he hopped into the boat with a mini paddle and simply watched as the shoreline started to get further and further away.

He should've cried.

He should've cried, screamed, or done anything, except start dancing to the song in his head with the fireflies that seemed to enjoy his company. It was all a game to him. Life was simply one day at a time. It didn't take long for him to get tired; he stood and watched the moonlight casting shadows in the water, making it seem like there were beautiful sea creatures and a whole new world out there for him to discover. Eventually, he laid down, and simply stared up at the moon. It was a thin sliver; he knew he'd never be able to forget its beauty. Feeling like a hand of comfort, the slight rocking of the boat is what swayed him to sleep.

A hand of comfort.

A hand of comfort.

For the first time, Taehyun didn't wake up in the middle of the night.


He had probably gotten more sleep than he had in months.

He almost didn't want to get out of the closet when Ms. Kim threw him his backpack, toothpaste, and a pretzel, and told him to start walking to school before he was late. Grumbling, he grabbed his stuff and started walking to school; unfinished homework and messy hair being the last things on his mind.

Nibbling the pretzel along the way, he tried to calm the anxiety of counting how many things could go wrong today. He had one objective, and one only: survive. If he could go the entire day with zero taunts, physical altercations, and signs of betrayal, he could survive. As he approached the large building, brimming with chattering students, he kept his head down and entered the large hallway. He could survive.

The morning periods went by the same; at that point, no one's really awake, even the teachers, so he had an easy time making up excuses for his homework. One teacher gave him a slight eyebrow, but that was all; I guess looking like an angel had its perks.

Of course, then came lunch. There are two kinds of people: those who naturally excel at life and then the others who hope all of those people die in a huge explosion. It was clear which side of the equation he was on. Finding a seat to sit at was simply the first task...but it also always came with the act of being rejected.

Today shouldn't have been any different.

At least, that's until he saw a hand wave at him. It was small and soft, but the fingers were thin and dangly. You could see small veins pop out around the wrist, leading up to his palm. The nails were perfect; a light pink and an even length. It was beautiful. And oddly familiar. Only when he started walking toward the wave did he notice how the beautiful hand was attached to someone as equally stunning. The oddly familiar hand was attached to someone very oddly familiar too.

Taehyun felt himself drawn to the hand, picking up his pace.

He didn't notice the leg on the ground in his way.


"There are two kinds of people: those who naturally excel at life and then the others who hope all of those people die in a huge explosion. It was clear which side of the equation he was on." - Inspiration from The Edge of Seventeen

I know it's kind of short, but I hope you still like it! Hopefully the next chapter will be longer. Also, happy Valentine's Day!! Also, if you want, please comment, I like to read people's reactions and predictions! Thank you!

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