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Beomgyu's POV

Sitting in the park all alone, the cold grass brushing against my legs. The fireworks were all in the background. All I could hear was the ringing in my ears and the rejection that left me frozen. My heart sank to my stomach making me feel nauseous. I have never been rejected before but that's not what makes it so painful. It was because it came from Taehyun.

The only person I put in the effort for, rejected me. I wasn't mad at Taehyun, I could never be mad at him. I knew he deserved more and now, I just have to be better. For Taehyun.

My emotions were swirling around and mixing together. The wind felt harsher than it was. I felt my eyes start to water but I was desperately trying to hold it in. I got up from the dewey grass dusting off my pants hiding my face as best as possible. The fireworks were still going, flashing bright colors of the rainbow, and my unsteady heartbeat matching with the sounds of the fireworks. Trudging home with a heavy heart, eyes glued on the road ahead of me.

Should I not have asked? Did I do something wrong? Are we still friends? What if he gets hurt again? I would never forgive myself. I couldn't stop thinking of the blonde boy not realizing I already arrived at home. As I was walking in I saw a car drive up to the entrance. I saw Taehyung and Dad step out, they talked for a second but then Dad walked away leaving Taehyung behind for a second before trailing behind him.

I watched from a distance not wanting to intervene, I wasn't particularly interested but from what I could see Taehyung wasn't in a good mood. I followed behind them quietly and I didn't hear anything besides the clacking from the dress shoes. The house was big but the echoes made it easier to hear. They separated ways without sparing each other a glance finding their way to their respective bedrooms.

I didn't want to disturb Taehyung but I thought it might be okay for me to check up on him. I could hear a frustrated sight coming from inside the room, I knocked signaling I was coming in before slightly opening the door. Taehyung saw me and fully opened the door for me.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked with a tired voice. I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't, no words came. A whimper was all I could choke out. Taehyung widened his eyes pulling me into a hug. That's when I broke, I let everything out, all the tears I was trying so hard to hold in. I was whimpering uncontrollably.

I hugged him back, burying my face into his shoulder. He was stroking my back with one hand and the other was resting on my hair.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I still couldn't respond to his question. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" I nodded into his shoulder feeling a little sorry for wetting his semi-formal clothes.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't feel like talking about it." I muffled out. Taehyung squeezed me a little tighter making me feel secure in his hold. In times like these, I can go to Taehyung whenever I need him, and Taehyung knows exactly what I need which I am ever-so-grateful for.

"Okay, when you do feel comfortable you can tell me." He reassured me. He briefly let go of me leading me to his bed and sitting next to me. He quickly wrapped his hands around me once again and continued the soothing strokes.

The tears were slowly dying down to small sniffles with the warmth that was engulfing me. My breath was becoming more and more steady, but the ache was still evident in my heart. My eyes were heavy and the sniffles gradually turned into soft snores finally feeling the toll of the exhausting activities that occurred.


I was back in my bed when I woke up, the bright rays blinding me, I could feel how puffy my eyes were. I wasn't feeling like my normal self but I still had to go to school. I felt something stick into my wrist. I looked down to see the bracelet that was matching with Taehyun's necklace. Does he still have his? Ughh I just can't get him out of my head. With a sigh, I reluctantly got out of my bed to change for school.

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