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Flashback (Beomgyu's POV)

"TAEHYUN, WHY?" My scream was partly muffled from the other's shoulder. "WHY? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I CARE FOR YOU?"

Beomgyu looked back to Taehyun to see any type of answer but couldn't find anything. The sight of Taehyun with tears was too much for him to handle. Beomgyu couldn't be mad at Taehyun. Never. But he couldn't help but feel anxious when Taehyun wouldn't answer him.

After a few more silent seconds, Taehyun nodded.

"I know. I know you do hyung." Taehyun sniffled, eyes glued to his hands that were slowly slipping from Beomgyu's. "Trust me, I care a lot for you too and that was partly the reason why I acted the way I did." Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and anticipating the reason.

"I just... I don't know how to tell you." Taehyun looked up to meet Beomgyu's eyes which were filled with sympathy. "Hyung, I don't know what I exactly feel for you, or just in general, and I'm still trying to figure it out. It might take some time but I hope you can wait for me."

Immediately Beomgyu's eyes widened and he could feel his heart building back up. He readjusted his grip so that he was completely clutching onto the slightly shorter's hand. Taehyun kept his full focus on Beomgyu's reaction and he couldn't tell if it was good or bad just yet.

Complete silence.

Beomgyu blinked a few times before yelling,

"Is that the reason why you were distant the whole day?" Taehyun hesitantly nodded, it wasn't the complete truth, but he couldn't tell the older one yet. "Taehyun, why didn't you just tell me in the first place?!"

"Well, I said it was complicated and I needed some time!" Taehyun instantly smiled with a few tears slipping down when Beomgyu started laughing also with glossy eyes. Beomgyu pulled the other for a hug. One that was filled with relief.

"You scared me, you cute idiot!!" Taehyun hugged back, resting his hands on the brunet's shoulders, and laughed with the other. It hasn't been that long since he last had a hug from Beomgyu, but he missed the feeling.

They rocked back and forth still in the hug in the dim room before tipping completely over to one side and flopped onto the bed. They pulled the blanket over them and scooched closer together.

Taehyun wrapped his arms around the older's torso while Beomgyu's hands made their way to the younger's hair. Running his hands through the silky blonde locks endlessly, tucking in the hair that would sometimes slip and cover the younger's face.

"I will wait as long as it takes, so take your time. Okay?" Beomgyu whispered not taking his eyes off of Taehyun's. Taehyun smiled and nodded his head slightly in response. "Just don't ever do that again, agreed?"

"I can't promise anything," Taehyun giggled but yelped in surprise when Beomgyu lightly slapped him. "Fine, fine. Agreed."

"Oh! I just remembered, do you want to come to my game? It's next week." Beomgyu asked hoping for a 'yes'.

"Of course! I want to see you play!" Taehyun nodded enthusiastically. They both giggled and Beomgyu whispered a small 'great' before closing their eyes.

And just like that, their eyes closed from their heavy eyelids from the sleep drifting upon them in each other's arms with smiles still on their lips.


Game Day, 1 Week Later (No One's POV)

"Let's see if your trash-talk is as good as your game." simply replied Beomgyu and got back onto the field ready to risk anything.

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