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No One's POV

On the way to the lunchroom, Taehyun's shoulder barely clipped the corner while laughing at one of Hueningkai's jokes.

It sounded like wind chimes that echoed across the empty hallways. The younger boy grinned. He looked down in disbelief to where their arms were wrapped around each other as if they'd never let go.

Was this really the boy that'd never make eye contact that he met in the school office only a few months ago? Hueningkai chuckled to himself.

Beomgyu surely had some magic up his sleeves. He made a mental note to ask him if everything was still alright between them remembering Taehyun's sulkiness yesterday.

Stepping into the smell of cheese and- is that fish? Hueningkai untied the pale boy stuck to him like a leech to get in line for lunch. If he was going to face Soobin and Yeonjun's lovey-dovey pick-up lines and gestures across the lunch table, he wanted it to be with a full stomach.

He waved Taehyun in the relative direction of where they usually sit, telling him he'd be there soon and to save him a seat. The blonde looked a bit disappointed, wanting a bit of extra company after completely forgetting Beomgyu's promise.


Beomgyu nervously tapped his foot, adjusting the flowers he'd picked last minute on his way to school. When walking to school, Beomgyu had dropped the younger off early to buy the flowers from the tree.

He didn't know why he felt the need to do so, but after picking the almond blossoms he thought it was worth it, he also wished the blonde would understand the meaning behind them.

For the 100th time, he asked the couple, known as Soobin and Yeonjun, sitting at the end of the table if his hair looked okay or if there was anything stuck between his teeth, but they were too busy in their own romantic world of cringe. He glared at them before realizing maybe it was for the better they didn't reply.

Beomgyu sighed. He thought he'd been doing a good job keeping his emotions in check, but after working out of their first official fight last night, the constant reminder of why he liked Taehyun was branded permanently into his brain.

The time he spent distancing himself away was supposed to help in forgetting the younger, but it only made it worse. He tried convincing himself that if he would busy himself with all the clubs he would forget about his feelings.

But it only made things worse, his longing grew each second he was away from the younger and it made things particularly difficult. Especially after realizing how it made Taehyun feel, he knew he had to put a stop to it altogether. Hopefully, this could be the beginning of something new.

But as soon as he spotted the smiling blonde wrapped around Hueningkai above the sea of heads, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. As it fell through his rib cage, he swore each bone had decided to skewer it.

He tried to be subtle as he glared, er- watched- Hueningkai pull out of Taehyun's grasp and turn to get in line while pulling out lunch money.

Taehyun looked visibly disappointed, which tugged at Beomgyu's gut the wrong way. His gaze dropped to the empty tray in front of him. He tucked the flowers back into his backpack.


Taehyun went from slumping to skipping over to the lunch table after noticing Beomgyu. He plopped down next to the couple, who were in their own world whispering and giggling to each other, to leave a space between him and the brunet. Beomgyu forced a smile.

When the brunet made a move to move closer to him, he shook his head and motioned towards Hueningkai walking towards them. Taehyun was already gesturing to the seat he had saved. Beomgyu's face dropped. But Taehyun never saw it.

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