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No One's POV

It was always the same girl.

Labeled the Prince of Jaebyom Middle School, he should've expected the hoard of females that stuck to him like a second skin. But it was always the same girl. He remembered her as clear as day.

She had brown, curly hair down to her waist that she loved to tuck behind her ear. Her big, doe eyes matched the loving smile she always wore. The dimple on one cheek indented her clear, smooth skin. Taehyung thought she was the most beautiful girl in the entire world...but she was an outcast because she was thicker and curvier than most.

Taehyung grinned. If no one else wanted her, it worked out anyway. He could have her all to himself.

The only times he could see this mystery girl was Biology and Chemistry. Both rigorous courses that she excelled in, while his dad bought his marks in for him. She sat on the absolute right corner in the front of the class. Taehyung's seat was two seats behind hers.

On a nearly daily basis, he'd have a piece of chalk thrown at him to pay attention in class. The teacher once even yelled, "STOP STARING AT MI-GYEONG."

Ah, so that was her name. Mi-gyeong. It fit her like a glove. It meant a beautiful view, and he swore to god when the girl of his dreams spun around to glare at him with flushed cheeks, he thought he saw stars.

After class, Mi-gyeong stuffed her backpack to the brim, mentally walking to her next class already. That's when she heard him. "Mi-gyeong." Her head whipped up, she knew that voice. As ignorant and annoying as Kim Taehyung is, he sure was handsome. As he started walking towards her, she couldn't help but turn around to make sure there hadn't been some kind of mistake.

Taehyung laughed, pulling slightly on her chin to face him. "I'm talking to you." She glared at him once more, trying not to blush, slapping his hand out of the way. "What do you want?" she mumbled. Taehyung beamed. "I want to take you somewhere, today after school, if you'll let me."

Mi-gyeon almost dropped her bag. Was this some kind of prank? It had to be. There's no way this prick had anything to do with her, especially with so many pretty and popular girls around him all the time. Yet, here he was, smiling down at her like she was his everything.

She said yes.


Both boys woke up from the sudden sound of the loud revving of the motorcycle. Beomgyu fell out of bed tripping on the blanket pulling it with him onto the ground while trying to look out the window for the source of the sound. Taehyun let out a little giggle at the clumsy brunet showing his deep dimple.

"Hyung, be careful!" Taehyun teased with a quiet voice, a smile evident on his lips.

"Hey, I didn't mean to fall!" Beomgyu teased back from under the blanket struggling a little to get out.

It was still quite early in the morning, the sun barely peeking out from the distant hills. The stars were starting to fade and the moon was still there. Taehyun calmly got out of bed heading over to the older to help him back up.

When Taehyun got off he could still feel the sore feeling from the events earlier. Beomgyu could tell from the slight limp that was showing even through the attempt of Taehyun trying to cover it up. Beomgyu quickly got up on his own and hastily came by the younger helping him to walk.

They both came to the wide window and saw through the crystal clear glass the view of the motorcycle parked near the entrance and also the far-away slopes filled with different colors and bare trees. They were huddled together as the blanket was draped over the both of their shoulders keeping them warm from the cold air outside the blanket. Taehyung, which Beomgyu assumed to be the person coming back from wherever, was nowhere to be seen.

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