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No One's POV

The rain was pouring outside and the clouds were covering the only traces of sunlight left. The loud sound of the thunder made Taehyun shudder under the blankets. The blonde's tears were racing with the raindrops sliding down the icy window.

Beomgyu was still shocked from the little gasps of air coming from in between the muffled sobs. He had no intention of making Taehyun cry and he wished that he could take it all back, but it was already too late.

"Taehyun" Beomgyu said in a soothing manner not wanting to make the younger cry even more. "Why are you crying? Please, talk to me." Beomgyu kept pleading the other, too scared to even touch the sensitive boy.

The only thing that can be seen is the boy quickly shaking his head no from the pillow. Beomgyu couldn't stand the quiet and was about to ask again for the other to spill but the thunder interrupted his train of thoughts.

Taehyun froze at the loud strike. His breath hitched and behind the pillow were two tightly closed eyes. He could feel even more tears pricking from his eyes. The blonde desperately tried holding onto them trying his best not to show his vulnerability.

Beomgyu was quick to comfort Taehyun, the now frozen boy made Beomgyu even more afraid. He had experienced this before and it wasn't very pleasant for Taehyun.

He had wondered what had bothered the blonde for the whole day but was never able to confront him until now. Did I do this? The only question that was filling up the space of the older's mind.

The brunet instinctively wrapped his hands around Taehyun, laying his head onto the blonde's back snuggling into the expensive fabric. Taehyun tensed even more at the touch, not expecting it at all.

"Taehyun, did I do something?" Beomgyu said finally letting his thoughts take over him. He couldn't stand seeing Taehyun like this anymore. Taehyun slowly and silently nodded. "Can you tell me?" Taehyun shook his head no once more. The older sighed and he knew that he couldn't make the younger say anything but he needed answers.

Taehyun slowly lifted his face from the pillow and the teardrops were very evident. Beomgyu got off the younger's back but clung to his hand, not ever wanting to let go. Taehyun was flushed and there were trails of tears dripping from his chin.

The rain didn't slow, in fact, it was getting heavier by the second. The thunder was still growling but it calmed down a little. There were still a few flashes of light, but that's not what bothered the two boys at the moment.

"Beomgyu hyung? Do you remember when you said that I could trust you and that I would never lose you?" Beomgyu looked up trying to recall when he said so. It didn't take very long and the memories replayed and he finally nodded but with a questioning look.

"Do you think you can still keep that promise?" Taehyun continued getting weary of the other's reaction to the question.

"Of course I can, and I will never break that promise." Beomgyu could start to tell where this conversation was heading. "Taehyun, is this about not spending time with you anymore?"

With that Taehyun's eyes widened showing off his boba pearl eyes. From the reaction, Beomgyu knew he was right and couldn't help but feel guilty.

The brunet sighed in disappointment, not from Taehyun, never from Taehyun, but himself. He didn't even have time to walk the blonde back home and he even asked one of the others to do it for him, but they were all just as busy. The older so desperately wanted to hang out with the younger, but the world was making it a little hard.

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