Episode 22 (Part 4)

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After i followed the path Katsura took, i was  brought to the other side of the deck and noticed Katsura and Takasugi talking and looking upwards. "What are you two reminiscing about?" i asked walking towards them. "Oh Hanae, good that you arrived as well. See Gintoki's here too" Takasugi said pointing ahead. I mean I'm not surprised but.. that IDIOT! "Wounded and still fighting that Benizakura shit" i gritted through my teeth. "Their fighting is too face, no scope to get in" Katsura said. "So that's why we're watching... " i looked back to the fighting and my eyes immediately widened.

"Gintoki!" i shouted in worry as i saw the flesh of Benizakura wrap itself around him and fall inside the ship centre. As i was about to jump inside, Takasugi called me from behind. "Leave him, you know he'll get back. If you go, you'll ruin the fun" Is that a compliment...? But it's good that he still have faith in Gintoki. "Your two comrades are there also. They won't be able to withstand that shit. That sword has taken full control over Nizou's body so it needs to be stopped to prevent it from further damage" i said before jumping inside.

I saw the monster's limbs swing towards the two causing me to cut it and then carry those two back to Takasugi. "They are still unconscious because i hit them before. But other than that they're fine" i said putting those two down. "Did they fight you?" he asked coming close to me. "No but what kind of foolish order is that? Why did you tell them not to fight me?" i asked crossing my arms. "Really? Are you seriously playing the crush-card now?" Katsura asked him in amusement. "What crush-card?" i asked tilting my head in confusion. "Jeez, you don't know yet? We all had a cr-" "Shut up or I'll slice your throat" Takasugi glared pointing his sword tip near Katsura's Adam's apple.

Is this conversation at this moment really fine? Wait, is Gintoki done yet? i thought as i crouched down to looked below. "He's not here.. Nizou's dead too.." i mumbled. Just when i looked ahead i noticed Gintoki being supported by a girl as they walked towards us. I immediately went towards them and helped her carry him. "Are you alright? What's 1 + 1?" i asked. "Babies" he grinned looking at me. "Kid, hold him please. I'll just whack his head a bit" i said. "No! wait, I'm still injured. Please don't kill me" he whine. I heard commotions suddenly causing me to look upward. Now who's joining the party? "Harusame. Takasugi did it" Katsura said as he ran over towards us. "Tch, that bastard. What the hell does he think he's doing?"

After we reached the deck, Katsura's men surrounded us. "Katsura-san, what do we do? Give us orders!" one of his men said. "We'll be out of here. Benizakura is destroyed. We don't need this ship anymore. There's a ship behind us" he answered. "As if we'll let you! Hunt them all!" 3 amantos rushed towards us. Katsura and Gintoki sliced the 2 on the sides while i kicked the one in the middle by supporting myself on their shoulders. "We'll protect the retreat. Go!" i said out loud causing the men to immediately obey me. "They like you" Katsura commented. "Who doesn't?" i chuckled slightly. "Been a long time since we've fought together, huh?" he said. "I hope you two still haven't gone rusty" Gintoki said. "Look who's talking. You're the one beaten up the most" i cracked my neck before the 3 of us charged at the Harusame.

"Gintoki, Hanae" Katsura called as he slashed the enemies. "Yeah?" we replied doing the same. 3 of our backs soon was against each other. "You two.. don't change. It'll take a lot cut Gintoki down. And i won't even dare to go against Hanae. I prioritize my life" i chuckled hearing his words. "Zura, if you change, I'll cut you up first" Gintoki said. "And I'll make sure to pound you two to dead" i gave the men a sweet smile to which they shivered. "T-Takasugi, did you hear us?!" Katsura shouted as we pointed our swords at him. "When we see each other next time it doesn't matter if we're allied" Gintoki said. "We'll cut you up with all of our might!" us 3 shouted in unision.

"You don't want to run into us in town" Gintoki said taking a step back. "Be careful with that" Katsura said doing the same before both of them jumped from the ship. "Hahaha, Goodbye!" Katsura said smugly as he opened up the parachute. I turned around to meet a dozen of amantos surrounding me while the others went to shoot at Katsura's parachute. "Your dear friends have left you, now what?" they looked at me up and down hungrily. "Mmm, let's see" i put my hand under my chin before kicking them all instantly. "And I'll borrow this!" i said kicking off the canons. "Byebye!" i waved at Takasugi before falling down the ship. "I'll make sure to pummel you two to death for leaving a fragile girl like me alone" i smiled meeting those two. Both of them had sweat forming on their face before i passed them and then landed on the ship smoothly.


Thank you for reading episode 22.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or anything.

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