Miscellaneous- II

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"Emergency bulletin; a large number of monkeys have escaped from the zoo! Shocking! A monkey that can open a lock! We bring you footage from security cameras. Watch as an unidentified animal opens the door to the monkey cage" i dropped the spoon i was holding as i stared at the television in shock. What the fuck is happening to this city? Even monkeys are better than Gintoki. "Neesan, look! That monkey looks just like Gintoki-sama" Miriko pointed towards the money with droopy eyes as it scratched it's butt. I laughed out loud at the resemblance. "Oh geez" i wiped the tears that formed in the corner of my eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if those were his descendants" i regained my posture after a ton of laughing before going back to work.

The landline telephone rang causing me to hurriedly serve the customer the dish before rushing to pick it. "Hello, Edo Paradise speaking. How-" "Hanae, it's me your one and only" before i could even reply to it, i heard muffled noises like 'now's not the time to flirt!' and also some beating. "What do you want? I'm short on time" i spoke. "Ah yes. I need you to do me a favour" i could feel him smiling wide. "This better be important, idiot. What is it?" i sighed before hearing him speak again.

"What? A monkey that has a bell around it's neck? I haven't seen any animal like that around other than the television. They were actually showing a footage of a monkey unlocking a door. Now that i remember.. that monkey had a bell around it's neck!" i said excitedly. "Yes, him! But he has escaped from there so i need help from all the people i know to catch him. It's an important someone's pet" he said seriously. "Don't tell me it's the Shogun's.. they'll slaughter your neck if you don't find it" i said worriedly. "No, relax. It's not him but that someone still has importance in that kinda industry" "Ah, i see. So what did you tell the name was?" Hearing Gintoki say it once, i repeated it back to him.

"Uh.. it's Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life of Shin-chan's one-day old underwe-"
"Eh? it's two days old not one?"
"Okay um.. Balmung Fezalion Issac slicer-" "Schneider"
"Oh, it's Balmung Schneider?"
"No, no"
"Ah, you mean Issac Schneider?"
"2/3 True Love 1/3 Hang nail Anxiety-"
"No, it's 1/3"
"What? 1/3 True Love? What about the other two thirds?"
"I don't know. That's how the name was made. If it was me, I'd give you all the love"
"Hold on. Um.. I'm missing something very important.."
"What is it?"
"When did the underwear get dirty?"
"It's always dirty, I'd say"

"CUT IT OUT! GIVE ME THE DAMN PHONE!" I heard Shinpachi shout before i heard the shuffling.

"Now, neesan. You've got it wrong. It's Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dog fish"
"Ah, yes. Now i understand. Next is the pepepepe right?"
"No. You're missing a 'pe'. It should be pepepepepe-!"

This time i heard the loud sound of the phone hitting the brakes. He cut the call.. "What happened, neesan? What did Gintoki-sama say?" Kiriko and Miriko looked at me. "It was Shin- i don't know.." i sighed again before concentrating back to work.


To be continued.

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