Straight VS Curly - II

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I hesitated to wear my sword, hesitated to step out of the door, hesitated to even think about putting a finger Sakata Gintoki. What's wrong with me..? i held my head in frustration. "Neesan, where are you going?" I turned around to see the twins looking at me worriedly. "I.. I have some work to do. I'll be back soon" smiling i patted their head. "You don't look very well, neesan. Don't go" they tugged on my skirt. "Kids.. I'm sorry i have to go. I feel like something bad will happen if i don't" i smiled at them again and patted their head before walking away. Alright, for now, I'll just see what he does. Being determined, i went towards the place where Kintoki asked us to.

I saw how Sakata Gintoki behaved with Tsukuyo, watched over how he behaved with Kyubei and stared at how he behaved with Sarutobi. He didn't harm them, instead he saved him. Why.. why would he, the one who supposedly hurt Tama, save them..? Who is he even? Why are you acting like someone i know? i clenched my stomach and moved away from that spot. I couldn't bring myself to hit him even after all the chances i saw. The Yoshiwara people, the Yagyu Clan, the ninjas, all of them were after him but instead of protecting him, he took beating. Various thoughts swirled around my head causing me to sit down on the floor. Suddenly, fragments of the past came into my mind. Silver haired kid always picking his nose, a lazy alcoholic who always created ruckus, a sweet toothed perverted freak. I gasped in shock. "Gintoki!"

Gintoki was standing in the middle of the street intersection along with the ladies. I stood on top of a roof and looked around. They had tears streaming down their faces as they pointed their weapons towards his back. "What's this? Making women cy? You're a real piece of work but don't worry. I'm here to wipe your ass. It's time to sleep. Pay attention guys. This is the last moment of the Kabuki district's enemy. You're finished Gintoki" Kintoki said before he started merching towards him. A leap was all i took before i landed in front of Gintoki with a bang. People gasped seeing me but the one who was shocked the most was Gintoki and Kintoki. "What's this about, Hanae-chan? Just what do you think you're doing pointing your sword at me when the enemy is right behind you?" "What do you think, plastic?" my words made Kintoki's eyes go wide. "Get away from him, right this instant. I'm ordering you to!" he took another step. "Another step and I'll blow off your head" i looked at him dead in the eye.

Gintoki wobbled on his feet from the injuries he got causing me to hold him up. "Hanae.." he mumbled my name. "I'm sorry for being late" i gave him a strained smile. "Hanae-san!" the women gasped at the sight. "Look at the man in front of you and tell me you want to kill him. I wanna know your answers, ladies" they all flinched at my words and looked down in deep thought. "You're siding with him? You're going to betray your friends, betray me for a man who attacked your friends?" Kintoki glared at me. "Don't spit out shit from that trashy mouth of yours. I know who you are and i know who he is. I still have to settle my score with you for all the brainwashing you did" Gintoki looked at me in shock as i spoke.

"What about you ladies? Do you trust this mad woman?" Kintoki pointed at me. "Kintoki, we trust you. That's why we're here" Kyubei was the one to speak first. "So trust us. This man isn't what you think he is" Tsukuyo added. "The Kin-san I know would back off" Sarutobi said. "If you consider us friends" the 3 replied in unision. "I see.. I see. I suppose you're representing the Yagyu and Hyakka. Get out of this town with Gintoki. If you're taking that man's side then you're an enemy of this town, of this district!" he glared at us. "Oh? You think i can't handle this town on my own? Is that your answer?" i stared at the guy giving him one last chance to stop. Ignoring my words, Kintoki took another step towards us causing me to push my sword towards him until i saw two swords being held against him from the back. "In that case, we also have our answer" Zura and Hasegawa-san replied in unision.

"Women are quick to betray you but men are supposed to have honor. Aren't we-" "We're friends" Zura replied to Kintoki. "No doubt about it. That's who we are" Hasegawa-san added. "When we believe you're taking the right path, we stick with you no matter how hard it is" Zura said. "But if you're taking the wrong path, we'll stop you even if it turns the whole world against us" Hasegawa-san said.

Kat - That friend is..
Has - That guy is..
Kyu - That idiot is..
Tsu - That lazyass is..
Sar - That sadist is..
They all - Our friend, Sakata Gintoki.

Gintoki had his eyes wide again. "See? They all remember you now. You don't have to worry anymore" i held him close to me as they all stood in front of us, drawing their weapons towards Kintoki. I looked back to Kintoki and suddenly noticed electric light swarming around his hand. "GET BACK!" i shouted out loud but was too late before they all were electrocuted to the ground. "You bastard!" i glared at Kintoki. Maybe i didn't get electrocuted because i was standing close to Gintoki. "So, this is the power of a bond forged through 60 volumes of DVD? But it's no use. You can try to win them back but i can undo your work with a wave of my hand. Want to know why? Because the main character in this anime is me. You thought i couldn't brainwash people anymore. Tama threw her life away for nothing" "YOU-" "Regarding Hanae-chan, i guess her strong feelings for you didn't allow her to be brainwashed fully. She was the difficult one of them all. I had to spend every single day to make her forget you but at the end it was all useless!" he glared at me.

"Send them all packing!" at the raise of his hand, all the people rose up and charged towards us. "I'll take care of them. You go to that bastard" i took my position. "No, i can't do that! I'm not leaving you alone in the den of a lion!" Gintoki held me back. "Darling, i am the lion" i smirked at him. Suddenly a wooden sword was thrown towards us causing Gintoki to catch it. "Go ahead and try! But we hold inside us Ironclad memories of the battles we fought together! A silver sword lies inside our souls!" Zura said out loud before the main group rose up from their fall. "Crush them! Beat them all!" Kintoki shouted. "GO GINTOKI!" me and Zura shouted in unision. "Yeah, I'll let you watch my back while i handle being the main character!" he shouted before charging towards Kintoki. Zura and I had our backs against each other. "Let's go wild" he suggested. "No! These are all people of the Kabuki district. Just knock 'em down" i replied. "Geez, you're no fun" he whined. "Shut up"

A while later, i saw Gintoki towards a building with the head of Kintoki hanging from his hand. This scene.. "Oof!" i gasped feeling someone pull me close to him. "Where's your mind?!" Zura said kicking the person behind me. "Oh? Ah.. sorry" i was so busy in thoughts that i didn't realize someone was about to attack me from behind. And within a split second, strong light more like a large beam emerged from the rooftop of the building where Gintoki went inside. "GINTOKI!"

"Welcome back, Gintoki!" we all opened our arms wide as he came back to the Kabuki district. All's well that ends well. ( okay i know the ending sucked. Hontoni Gomenasai 🙏 )


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