Chapter 3

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We woke up in each other's arms in the morning and every morning after that. Love making became our habit and he took me on almost every surface we could find in his apartment. When I cook him food in the morning, he would stood behind me and hugged me close while giving me his morning kisses. Then he would help me in the kitchen. 

We do almost everything together, except when he needed to work. He always locked himself in his office and told me to never enter it under any circumstances. One time, he entered the room and after a few minutes, I gave a knock to give him some juice and perhaps a view into his office when he was in it. I peaked at the door when I realized he wasn't there. I was confused but let it be since my memory had always been poor anyway, so perhaps I saw it wrong.

Since our first intercourse, we never used protection. Just like a newlywed trying to make a baby, we might have taken this roleplay too far. I knew deep down that this was a dangerous game and I think he did too. After the first week is gone, I think we both know our time was running out. Nearing our seventh day together, his love making became more desperate. I understood that he was trying to fulfill my fantasy and without me realizing, he tried to fulfill his as well.

I made a cake for our 8th day together. It's like our first anniversary cake, but since we would not have time for that long duration I thought we could pretend like this. When my husband came home and I surprised him with the cake, he got angry. Livid. 

He did not say anything, but he refused to see me in the eyes. His whole body gone tense and he left me in the dining room where I decided to eat the cake alone. This went on for the next three days. He would sleep in his couch in the office, the one that he barred me from entering. Thus, I rarely see him.

What have I done wrong? I couldn't take it anymore and rapped at his office door. I planned to ask him what I did wrong. I knocked and knocked and he did not answer. I cried myself to sleep in front of his door because I missed him and if anything that scares me the most, it was being left behind.

I woke up to Jake shaking my body, "Wake up! Why are you sleeping here, princess? Come, let me take you to the bedroom."

"Why did you leave me?" I opened my eyes slowly to meet his gaze.

Once I regained my full attention, I started asking him the questions that had been badgering my mind for days.

"What did I do wrong, Jake? Am I boring you? Am I bad in bed, that's why you left me? Or was it because we never used protection and you were afraid you would get a woman you don't want to marry pregnant? I know you can't wait for me to probably leave and I swear I'm leaving Jake after the end of this week. I promised you that and I will keep it, so please can't you not be mad at me until I leave?" I can't help my insecurities to flow. He stopped in his tracks, but refused to meet my eyes.

"It wasn't that." He moved again to take me to our room in long strides.

"You don't need to know the reason, you can just rest and I'll..." Before I knew what was happening, I slapped him.

"Oh god. I... I didn't mean to slap you. I don't even know why I am so angry. We are pretending anyway and you are right, I'm leaving soon so its not my problem on how you spend your time. It's just... ah..." I took steps back from him and started shaking.

"I'll... you know what. I'll pack now and leave before making this very awkward. Thank you for everything, Jake, for the adventure, the fake marriage, all these and uh..." I sprint to our room and moved to pack my stuff.

"STOP!" He raised his voice. I flinched and dropped a shirt I was holding. He raised his hand and I moved to cover my face, thinking he would hit me.

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