Chapter 20

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Ever since what happened earlier, I decided to keep the bandana mask as a part of my outfit. Fuck the dress code. If I use it more, people would be less suspicious of why I only wear it when a certain person is around.

I heard Luca's voice telling me to come in.

"Luca! Holy fuck I think Pietro is set on having my head on the gurney, we need a plan that doesn't involve getting me killed before the Gladiatorial Blood Rite. I thought you said vampires have absolute control over their emotions! Oh and I told Kojiro everything and by God Pietro Lucius almost saw my face and...." I rambled on.

Luca gestured me to stay silent although his eyes looked more amused than anything.

I shit you not I almost broke out stress-laughing seeing now not only I am seeing Luca, but also Lucius and Kojiro. Scratch what I said earlier about not meeting all the Masters.

"So... this is how you speak of your Masters when they aren't present? Ratting us out to Master di Vasiri, no less. How... fresh." Kojiro asked me with raised eyebrows.

"My apologies, sir. That was the stress talking, I suppose. You know what scratched that. I... I have no defense for my behaviour." I mentally slapped myself.

Then Lucius spoke, "It's nice to hear one of my disciples think highly of me. I prefer Lucius if you have to refer to me without my title. Care to explain why shouldn't I see your face?" He said sarcastically.

"I look horrible." I lied without missing a beat and cringed after realizing what I said.

"And that matters why?" He asked just as quick.

I looked at Luca for help and help he did. "We are here today to discuss what to do with Masters di Augustos and Berra. From yesterday's hearing, we understand that you got some proofs?"

"I saw the ledger but unfortunately I had to give it back to him." I looked at them guiltily.

"I... took a few pictures off the ledger though. I sent it to another assassin without giving them any context of what that was. As for the Bacchanalia in the di Augustos' mansion, I'm sure Father Dumas is willing to testify with the protection of the Vatican and us." I paused.

"He was raped, so the Vatican wouldn't tell him to let go of his vow right?" The three men exchange glances.

Kajiro filled me in, while Luca furiously typed on his computer. "The Vatican already processed his dismissal. I think someone higher up is involved with the sex party at the mansion, so he got rid of Father Dumas before he said anything to the pope."

"Damn it, it wasn't even his fault!" I can't hold back the anger in my voice.

"We can't interfere with the Vatican's decision without exposing ourselves and make enemies. We need to let this one go to catch a bigger fish." Lucius told me and before I could reply Luca spoke up.

"I found the pictures you sent to the HR's tablet and it's pretty good enough to blackmail the Minister of Treasury to get more information. If we get his confession, it would be enough to report it to the police to start an investigation. But sooner or later we would need to find the journal to seal Berra's fate."

"Last time I found it at his office. I doubt he would put it back there. Do you guys have any idea where else he might put it?" I asked the Masters.

Luca and Lucius exchanged knowing glances. "There is one place that Berra owns... and he frequented often with his mistresses and the Augustos, A sex club. They often hold their secret meetings there."

"Goddammit. Are all of the Masters equally creative in the bedroom or just those 3?" I blurted and mentally slapped myself as I remembered these three were ALSO Master Assassins.

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