Chapter 38

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Ordinatio Headquarter, Rome, Italy 2021

"Did you meet her?" Master Rose Raina asked the old Master.

"Yes." Kojiro stated simply.

"Why is she not coming back here with you then?"

"She refused until she killed off the other two council members, and she refused my assistance." He rubbed his temple.

"Did she tell you where she is going next?"

"No. But she wore an earpiece for our mission. I'll send it over to the tech team to see if she found a lead she didn't tell me. When we talked, she sounds like she knew where she was going next. We'll send assassins to aid her then."

"What do we tell the vampire?" Raina asked her fellow Master Assassin.

"I don't know." Kojiro said as he left the First Master's office. Raina raised her brows showing her surprise. The old Master Assassin typically knew what to do and say even in the most difficult situation. They were similar in that retrospect.

Kojiro went downstairs to the dungeon to see his fellow Master Assassin. Before he could say anything, the vampire greeted him first.

"You saw my mate, you saw Livia." The vampire's eyes remained closed as he said it in resignation.

"I did." Kojiro didn't say anything more.

"How was she?" Lucius opened his eyes to face Kojiro.

"She is healthy and happy." Kojiro provided the answer that Livia wanted him to say.

"She is pregnant with my child, isn't she?" Lucius said more like stating a fact instead of a genuine question. Kojiro was baffled; he didn't know how Lucius figured it out.

"How... Yes." Kojiro considered asking or making up a lie to cover it up.

"You were wondering how I know... I think she didn't realize that when she called out to me in her dreams that I was really there with her. A mating connection that is acknowledged by both parties is strong like that." Lucius smiled sadly.  Then he opened his eyes to look at Kojiro.

"Why isn't she coming down here with you? Is she resting? I need to see her." The vampire asked desperately.

"She told me to tell you that she is coming back soon. Instead..." Master Kojiro swallowed and wondered once more whether he should give the damning liquid to the vampire.

"She told me to have you drink this." He settled to tell half truth, although not explaining in its entirety of what the liquid does. The old Master Assassins opened the first dosage that was contained in a small bottle and helped the vampire drank the content.

"It taste like blood. Is this her blood?" The vampire grinned a boyish grin.

"Yes. Why are you smiling like that? What is it Lucius?" Kojiro did not feel good about this.

"When our mate gives us blood, it's their pledge to mate with us forever." Lucius explained looking rather happy. Kojiro felt like a traitor. He just nodded and told Lucius that if this drink made him this happy, his mate provided 14 more bottles only for him that he could drink anytime he wishes to.

Lucius wondered why Livia provided fourteen bottles of her blood. One would have been enough for her to let him know her intention. For now, he wouldn't question this as it made him happy that his mate was thinking of him. Lucius planned to tell Jake that his mother would come home soon and they would be together very soon.

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