Chapter 32

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In the next few days the assassins managed to toppled the Brotherhood's attack one by one. The number of troops attacking them in the second and third waves were far greated compared to what Livia informed, but the Masters had foreseen this to happen since they managed to defeat the Dagger's first attack.

The assassins are planning to launch their own attack to the Dagger Brotherhood's headquarter before they lose their upper hand. 

Meanwhile, Kojiro was overwhelmed with Jacob's daily tantrum demanding the Master to send him back home, coming to Jacob's school as his teachers didn't appreciate Jacob's rudeness as he picked a fight with everyone, and him breaking things at his house wanting to be allowed to see his father.

This night, Jacob managed to escape Kojiro's house and the assassins' supervision. He stopped a passing car asking to be sent home because he got lost. Once he climbed up the outer stairs to his apartment, he sneaked into his room and into his father's study. Jake was determined to see his father who he overheard was contained in the lowest floor of the underground base. He managed to get downstairs to the dungeons only to be stopped by assassins guarding his father.

"Let me see my father!" He struggled as he was apprehended by the two guards. Luca was on his way to see Lucius himself, so once he saw little Jacob, he ordered the guards to stand down.

"Hi buddy, looking to see your dad are we?" Luca asked giving a smile. Jacob gave him a look of defiance although one tear betrayed his true feeling. The boy was scared and he missed his father terribly. Luca wiped his tear.

"I'll take you to him, my friend. However, I need to explain a few things to you, so you wouldn't do anything rash. He is down here, because he lost control. That's what happened to vampires as their mates were threatened. Until he sees Livia again, he would constantly go into what we called 'bloodlust' state when he raged to everyone and everything he sees because his heart hurts, okay?" Luca patiently explained to the little boy.

"I know you probably want to hug your father, but for now we can't allow you to get too close. Once we bring Livia back, then you can hug both of them. Promise?" Luca showed his little finger to Jacob wanting him to promise. Jake meet Luca's little finger with his own and took Luca's hand as they walked towards the cell that contain his father.

Luca signalled the guard to open the door. Jake stepped into it slowly and instinctively wanting to hold his father who looked bloodied and beaten. Luca quickly grabbed the boy back and held him in place.

"Jacob, my boy. Is that you?" Lucius opened his eyes. Jacob tried to move closer to hug his father and Luca pulled him back.

"Don't come near me, son. I don't trust myself not to hurt you." Lucius said painfully. He wanted to embrace his son, but he couldn't risk a sudden bloodlust that might take over him anytime.

"Daddy I miss you. I want to go home with you, I promise I won't be bad or disappoint you anymore. I won't call you a stupid vampire either. So can you stop being mad and come home? I don't want to stay with Master Kojiro, he is not my papà !" Jacob broke down and cried. Luca kneeled down to hug the young boy, offering support that his father couldn't.

Lucius looked away. His son missed him like he missed his little boy. His words stuck in his mouth. Lucius dare not to say a word or he would cry in front of his son.

"My love, would you listen to your papà now?" Lucius said gently.

"We have to stay separated just a bit longer okay? Listen to Master Kojiro and don't make trouble or run away to come here. If you stay good, then in a few days papà will come and get you so we could go home. Do you understand?" Jacob cried even harder.

"I'll ask the Masters to chain me here with you. I want to protect you so the Master won't hurt you anymore. I can sleep on the floor. Just let me stay with you papà , please?" Jacob plead to Luca and his father. The two adults tried to tell the boy that it wasn't safe to do so, but the boy kept begging and crying. It broke Lucius' heart, but he knew he needed to be firm or he would allow his son to stay here because he missed him without taking account of Jacob's safety.

"If you keep this up, you won't be my son anymore. I'll hand you over to Master Kojiro for good and I will forget you. No son of mine throws tantrums to get what he wanted. I didn't want a disrespectful son who just cried and complaint." Lucius put force into his voice shocking the boy and Luca with his harshness.

"You... you don't want me." Jake took a step back trying to process the statement. He bit his lip to prevent tears from coming out, Luca was about to wipe the blood off his mouth and the boy avoided his touch.

"I see. I'll return to Master Kojiro's house, father." He threw his father a last look, struggling to keep pain off his voice fearing he would disappoint his father even further.

"Take care Master Octavius, I'll wait for your return." The boy looked uncertain with the thought of leaving his father, but forced his legs to leave the room and made his way to Master Kojiro's.

Luca motioned one of the assassin on duty to escort Jacob and he returned back to where the vampire is located.

"You didn't have to say it like that. He was just a boy, he wouldn't understand." Luca asked his friend gently.

"One more minute he stood here and begged me to come home with him. I would broke out of these shackles and force my way out. Then there won't be anything stopping me from my bloodlust. My heart hurts, Luca. Even more so when Kojiro told me what my son did to get to see me. My heart bleeds every time."

"What if he ended up hating you for it once this is all over? Won't that break you?" Luca pinched the bridge of his nose to release some tension around his eyes.

"It would, but at least my son will live." The vampire said quietly almost inaudible.

"Oh, Lucius... I'm sorry about all this." Luca tried to ease the pain in his own heart by rubbing it. His friend was once the most powerful Master of them all, the epitome of calm, levelheadedness and grace. The Daggers had reduced him to... helplessness. Before both of them could say anything more, Luca took off to the command centre making preparations to infiltrate the base of the Dagger Brotherhood.

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