Chapter 17

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I look for Bryan outside of the hearing chamber. "Bryan!" I waved to get his attention.

"My feisty beautiful fox. Nice speech." He moved to kiss my cheeks, but I side stepped him.

"Look, I don't have enough time. I need you to come with me." I dragged him. We sneaked into the weaponry and grabbed a few smokescreens that doubles as tear gas. He tapped a few things rapidly into his tablet.

"Please don't tell me you are checking your social media? Plus, isn't that against the rules? The signal would get us detected by the outside world, no?"

"Security cameras." He pointed towards some of them near us.

"I need to hack them all, so the assassins in the Surveillance Department wouldn't see us." He explained as he continued disabling the cameras. 

Right. I guess existing in this modern world, we still need to have internet for intels and all.

After Bryan signalled that the security cameras in the area are off, I rolled a smokescreen in front of Lucius's office. The guards in front of his room scrambled and went on guard. We sneaked avoiding everyone and entered the room.

I remember Lucius often went to his office and came back home from the front door. Then the tunnel to Luca's office from the grave makes me feel like the Masters each have their own secret tunnel leading to their living quarters or somewhere close to their domain. 

I just need to make sure that I would not take wrong turns once I found the opening. If my guess was correct, the apartment overlooking the Roman Forum that we lived in was his actual living quarters.

I felt every surface, every painting and anything that could open the door. This design looked like a tattoo that Jacob senior had on his back. I tinkered around it and found a hatch. I pulled it and a tunnel opening unfolded in front of my eyes. The inside of the tunnel looks similar to Luca's with a different maze style. I tried to remember our position in St Peter's Basilica then I have an idea.

"Bryan, does your tablet have a compass?" He understood what I tried to do and lent me his tablet.

I needed to head to the Roman Forum area, since Lucius' apartment was near the landmark. So with the help of the compass, we ran quickly heading South. At the end I saw a puzzle mechanism, like a code or something. I was not adept at puzzles and I started to panic. 

I looked at Bryan, hoping he would have an idea and saw his brain tinkering. Bryan almost pressed one part of the stone mechanism, when we were surprised by a clicking sound and found Jacob on the other side ready to enter. Thank God for the great timing.

"Liv?! How...? Why...?" He eyed me suspiciously and readied himself to throw me with an expensive looking decorative jug.

"Wait, wait, listen to me Jacob. You are my only hope! They are trying to kill me!" He eyed at Bryan suspiciously.

"I needed him for what he needs to do. Look Jake, there is not enough time. Have you heard of the hearing for recruits?" His mouth opened, understanding what's happening. Smart boy.

"And my father wants to dismiss you?" He looked terrified as I confirmed his deduction with a nod.

He held my hand trying to calm me down. "Listen Liv. If you were dismissed, you won't be able to get out of there alive. What can I do to help?" Even this little guy knows. I feel so angry at Lucius for letting Jacob know about the Ordinatio including the sadistic part so early in his life.

"I need you and Bryan here to pretend." I pointed at Bryan, not letting my gaze away from the boy's face.

"Bryan, I need you to put your dagger on... on... Jacob's neck." Jacob nodded understandingly, but Bryan looked terrified.

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