Chapter 9

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I fucking fainted. Again. This is getting embarrassing and I just wish the world would swallow me whole.

Livia came to my side. "Hey. Sorry I forgot you haven't eat anything since the plane right and you must be exhausted from facing the Dagger Brotherhood and the trip. You feel okay?"

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't possibly tell her about Second Mentor being my fuck buddy; she would probably kill me on the spot. I just asked for pizza, so she would continue thinking that I fainted because I was hungry. It shouldn't be hard since she already got to that conclusion anyway.

After I got my food, I needed to know something important. "Cora, the mentor who was addressing everyone earlier. What was his name again? Jacob wasn't it?"

"Jacob? He is an authentic Italian vampire who lived close to 2000 years old and here you thought his name was Jacob?" Cora started laughing uncontrollably at the notion.

"Honey, I like you and I want your head to stay intact. Never go to him and call him Master Jacob. The Masters probably wouldn't find this as funny as I was. His name is Pietro Lucius Octavius, but he preferred Lucius than his first name. I'll give you the name of the Masters on your first day tomorrow."

Vampire? 2000 years old? That would explain how he could know so much about Roman Empire history, but seriously if you study it enough in university you would be able to recite what he explained about the Roman Forum and the intricate details surrounding the problems in the Roman court. Right?!

And his name... He never told her his real name then? She started to wonder if this guy was the same guy that made her horny just by calling her 'wife'? But the voice and his face looked exactly like her Jacob.

Thinking about all that made her head hurt all over again. "Vampires are real?" I asked and hoped Livia broke the ice and told her it was a joke or something.

"Ah yes... I forgot that you didn't know Vampires existed." Her palm rubbed the back of her neck with apparent discomfort.

"Sorry, I haven't lived in the light side for a long time. To answer your question, vampires exist along with other creatures like aliens, werewolves, parallel universe, witches and demons. But vampires with pure blood as old and powerful as Master Lucius, only 5 of them left in the world. They had a close knit bond and none of them had a bad blood in them, lucky for us humans. In fact one is a priest, who hasn't mated in at least 500 years since he took his vow of celibacy."

That's it I'm getting out of here. I do not wish to know anymore at this point. 

I was slowly backing out and ran for the door. Livia started realizing what's happening and chased me, so I ran faster. Unfortunately, once I was out of the med bay I hit into a solid brick of a man.

"Easy there, recruit." A man in a Master Assassin garment, stepped back to look at me.

"Ah... You were the first recruit who fainted on the assembly hall in centuries, correct?" He looked amused. The amusement on his face didn't stay long as his facial expression change to one of recognition and confusion. I personally had no idea who this man was though.

"Lucy?" He asked. I stayed silent, confused how he knew my given name. I changed my records on all government-issued document to my Christian name but...

"Answer me, recruit! Is your name Lucy?" As he clenched his jaw as if he was panicking from being caught doing something bad or was that fear I see in his eyes?

"I... Do you know me? I don't use that name anymore, but yes sir. My name is Livia Lucia von Syrakus. Now just Livia Xi. Uh, my original last name is Xi, but we had to change it to a less Chinese sounding name in 98 because..." He cut me off with his hand.

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