Chapter 7

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"I heard from Father Ambrose that you had control and emotion issues, but I thought you had changed. You almost punched a teacher. How do you explain that?"

"I have no excuse, Father. I'm sorry."

"With your temper, I'll tell Father Ambrose to fire you from the orphanage. I'll also tell the congregation to ban you to help us with our projects. Even if you are no longer a Catholic, can't you at least behave and not intervening in something that is none of your business and be a little bit like Jesus?"

Oh no he did not just say that.

"With all due respect, Anton." I put emphasize on his name.

"Being a Catholic doesn't guarantee someone becoming a good person. Look at what happened, damn it! A child was nearly choked and manhandled but everyone looked away to prevent trouble. Does that look like what Jesus would do? Would Jesus let an innocent person got thrown by stones? You bring Catholicism into this and I will let you see the error of your own ways. Being a Catholic doesn't equate you with being a pacifist. I'm starting to see a pattern with Catholics turning their back from the people who asked for help. I was abused by my parents as a child and even though I asked the people of the church for help, they all believed I was abused for my own good because I deserved it. Because my father looked like an upstanding man and held a high position in the church, nobody wants to be his enemy because why Anton? Nobody is willing to get hated by somebody else so they risked what they believed and traded it for their own safety." I said the last bit a little more harshly and left him to go outside of the retreat compound to calm myself.

I went out for a few hours, running around the block until I feel tired enough to not feel anger anymore. Towards Chris, every adult in the dining hall, the priest, the church.

Never generalize the organization for a few rotten tomatoes, Liv. You knew Father Anton is a nice man. You got this, girl. I said to myself to calm down. I brought some rootbeers hoping to share some drinks with Ganyu and Brandon if they were still up.

This felt weird though, It felt like the entire compound was being too quiet. It was curfew, so it should be quiet, but this was eerily quiet and the power was out. I went to my room and find Ganyu missing. Where would she be? I knocked at Brandon's door to find the room empty with the exception of his personal belongings. I checked the students' room and they were all empty.

What the fuck?

I approached the big hall as I heard subtle crying noises. 

Double fuck? I thought the infamous cry fest is scheduled for tomorrow

I was referring to the event where we showed them tear-jerking videos like how we are our parents' blessing, a mother's journey through out pregnancy, why we need to ask for God's forgiveness, yada-yada-yada.

I opened the door to find everyone was there. Only, they were bound and gagged, including the kitchen employees, some nuns and bruders who lived in the compound, and elderly priests. In summary, every single person in the compound were here and some strange men were on guard on the edges of the room.

"Why maybe, this shaved-headed girl would like to try her luck." The strange man with a tattoo on his inner palm pointed at me with a dagger. His friends surrounded me and manhandled me right away, forcing me in a kneeling position with my hands behind my back. A foreigner. Fuck, this is a serious red flag. Think Liv, think. His accent sounded American. What's a group of American doing here and doing this?"

"Who the fuck are you? Are you fucking joking, it's 1.26 AM and you rounded everyone for a cruel prank?" I retorted.

"Brave and she has spice in her. You would do well for the brotherhood."

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