Chapter 23

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To finish yesterday off, I barely got out of Master Commodor di Augusto's office unscathed as I was chewed by Commodor and Maria. 

Then I had to seduce Bryan who thought I was taking him to my room for a quickie, while in reality I brought him to the med-bay and put him on restraint to erase his memory in front of Master Octavius. Not surprisingly, he felt betrayed and he knew that his memory was erased. 

But I was relieve because he couldn't remember anything he did from 2 days ago, including finding me snooping around in the HR personnel file section. Then after all was done and dealt with, I put myself in the med-bay fancy bed and heal.

I was emotionally drained and now I woke up with a start. I would have my first assignment today and I was nervous. I attended all my classes, tried my best to stay calm and focus until 9PM. 

I followed Raina to where we were supposed to have our mock 'practicum' class and we parted ways. 

I scaled buildings until I see the sex club mentioned by the Masters yesterday and dropped down in an empty and secluded ally. I hid my stuff inside a trash bin, wore my masquerade mask (thanking the Almighty for tonight's dress code) and moved myself towards the club where I found Lucius waiting for me at the end of the sketchy alley way. He explained how the comm worked and I put the little device he gave me into my left ear. Once I heard Luca's voice at the end of the line and confirmed he could hear me back, we moved into the entrance of the club.

We showed the bouncers the invitation we got from Luca and were let in right away. We were directed to the changing room to take off our clothes as per the club's rule. I went out to Lucius, trying to stop my insecurities from showing. He noticed anyway and calmed me the only way he knew how. He held me until my shaking stops.

"Don't let them see your shyness, nervousness, or anything in that nature, wife, or we would get suspected right away." Here it was again, he called me his wife like the good old days. Of course it was an act, I was disappointed but I welcomed the feeling for it brings me alertness I needed to ensure this mission's success.

After looking other women confidently rock their nakedness and seeing people having sex at every corner and surface, my confidence grew. I started to flirt left and right to keep up an appearance and found that it was kind of fun. Lucius stopped me and glared after some time, his eyes seemed to say "Focus on the mission." I gave an apologetic smile.

A man approached me and suddenly touched my arm. "Hello there beautiful. Care for some good time with a stranger?" His eyes full of lust.

Before I could answer, Lucius put me behind him and put a protective hold on me. "Touch my wife again and I'll cut your small cock."

The guy looked horrified but managed to find his composure. "Alright, no harm done at least I tried. It just looked like your lady would love to have some fun, but I noticed you two just keep wandering around. Just get in the act! Your wife needs her itch to be scratched." The lean man winked at me.

"Well then I shall please my wife. You are welcome to watch but don't touch her." Lucius pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.

"Uh huh, I am very okay with watching anyway." The stranger watched as he rubbed his cock to pleasure himself. Lucius kissed every inch of my body and he played with my breasts before going down to eat my pussy. My breathing hitched as I was stormed with pleasure.

"Husband!" I moaned. Our act started to gain a crowd. Some looked at us while fondling each other, and some masturbated like the lean stranger.

I started to feel self-conscious and my body stilled. Lucius looked at me and immediately rose up to cover my body with his.

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