Chapter 21

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Once we were out of prying eyes, Pietro let me go. I'm starting to think he would punish me for real too.

He sat on a chair behind his desk and motioned for me to sit across him.

He broke the silence. "How did you break into my apartment?" This seemed like a trap question, he looked like he already know the answer. He didn't put any guards inside his apartment, but there was no way there wasn't any security cameras. He was testing me.

"I came through your secret tunnel, sir." He looked unfazed.

"And how do you know get through it?" I mentally cursed. I couldn't say I remembered the tattoo in his left chest back when we used to fuck and found the book with the same pattern. And I couldn't say I remembered his apartment facing the Roman Forum and so I head to the South.

"Your... son?" It came out more like a question than an answer.

"Wrong answer. My son knows the rule, even in the event of life and death, nobody other than us two can know about the tunnel. Try again, Liv, and try to be honest this time."

"This might sound really bad, but can I explain to you once we neutralize the rogue Masters? Trust me, I have my reasons for this and I promise, I won't hide anything when the time comes." Lucius hissed and his fangs showed. Funny how I never noticed this in the past.

"My son likes you so I can't kill you and my friends seem to trust you, so I trust you are smart enough to stay silent." He eyed me with death seriousness. "But your companion on the other hand has to die. You have 2 weeks to come to me with an answer and until the end of today to give me his name." I can't gave him up after he risked himself to help me.

He saw the hesitation in my eyes. "Make no mistake, recruit. I will find your friend in the HR, even without your assistance."

"I know the med-bay has an injection or something that could make us forget everything about yesterday. We'll voluntarily take that in front of you tonight, then you can let him live." I bargained, hoping he would take the offer. This was a dangerous plan. It would require Lucius to see and know Bryan's identity. I will just need to trust Lucius that he won't kill him.

"Him only. Not you, unfortunately we need your memories from yesterday, until we got our hands on the rogue Masters."

"Deal." I said quickly before he changed his mind.

"Onto our next agenda... I... wanted to thank you for what you told my son today." My brain searched what he could possibly hear earlier today.

Looking at my confused expression, he explained further. "I overheard your conversation about what my son's friends told him about me and what you said. You have my thanks."

I waved him off. "No thanks needed. He is a great boy and I wish I could deal with those mean children myself. Is Jake okay?"

"Yes, but when I asked him about your conversation, he refused to tell me." He looked pained and I think I knew why. He thought his child trusted me more than him, while in reality the child doesn't want to worry his father.

"I think he just doesn't want to hurt you. He is an extremely considerate boy." The vampire smiled distantly at my praise for his son.

"Yes he is." He answered with pride.

"And yesterday you convinced the lot of us in the hearing that you dislike saying untruths, yet you told my son you knew me before coming here and use it to endorse my character. Should I be worried or thank you for that one?" He teased me.

My heart suddenly clenched with pain remembering our memories together from years back. Problem is... it wasn't a lie. Lucius on the other hand, mistook my expression for remorse.

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