Chapter 19

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Livia's Point of View

What kind of father would send their child to school after witnessing him trying to kill someone? I didn't dare to say anything since our relationship seemed to improve. At least he seemed to understand why I did it and entrusted me with his son.

I went back to my room to see Jake. Today was a great day for this to happen because pretty much all my classes were erased from today's schedule to meet the angry Master Assassins. I have 20 minutes before I had to leave to see Luca, so I could spend some more time with my little friend a little longer.

I knocked on my door so Jacob wouldn't get startled. He peeked at the door to ensure it was me and then let me in.

"Are Master Kojiro and Master Octavius alright?" Seeing Jake's expression and how he addressed his father with his title, I could tell he was mad at Lucius.

"Your daddy and Master Kojiro are okay. They are resting in the med bay and then they would be as great as new." Jake looked at my neck.

"I think you should go to the Medical Bay as well. Your neck is bruising." He cringed. He bit his lip and looked away after gesturing to my neck.

"Jacob look at me." He turned to face me.

"It's not your fault." I told him and he turned away not believing me.

"I swear it's not. As much as I think it's wrong to attack other people for hurting you, I understand why your father did it. He is afraid of losing you." I feel guilty for lying. I knew for sure I would do the same thing as his dad did if anyone put my child in danger like that. 

I didn't want Jacob to turn out like me, so yes. I lied so he could be a better person.

"Like he lost his late wife?" I nodded and he seemed to be thinking something.

"But my friends told me I'm easily replaced. My friends said I'm not his biological child. That is why my father like me, so the police won't throw him to prison. If he ever gets married again, my friends said Master Octavius would leave me at the side of the street." I am shocked to my core. I knew kids can be mean, but I forgot how mean they could be. I calmed my own breathing trying not to let him see my rage.

"Baby, I can assure you I have been an adult for 6 years now and I can tell you for a fact your father loves you. Those kids don't know your father that's why they said that mean thing no human being should ever said to another person. I honestly 100% can guarantee your father would never in a million years left you at the side of the road, but if that happens I know another person who loves you and would love to have you around. Care to guess?" I smiled brightly at him.

"You?" He smiled back. I tickled him until he laughed happily.

"Of course, it's me! I love you Jacob, I always will." I kiss his forehead and find him kissed my cheek. Then he hugged me.

"You know what Liv?"


"I wish you were my mom sometimes." I can't help but have a tear escape my eye.

"And I would be honoured, very happy, and very proud to have a son like you."

"Well but I don't want you to marry my father." I stilled but forced myself to nod anyway. The child maybe still want to spend more time with his dad before welcoming someone else to the family. Hell, who am I kidding? Why I am immersing myself in their life when I had zero chance in the first place.

"He is mean to you, I don't ever want to see you get hit. I'll just visit you a lot here." I laughed so hard my stomach hurts.

"He isn't mean, we just started off the wrong foot. Let me get you in on a secret. Don't tell anyone okay?" He nodded and focusing intently at what I said next.

"Before I joinedOrdinatio, I actually knew your father."

"Really?!" The boy sat up straighter. I could tell he was interested for me to say more.

"Uh huh. He is one of the kindest men I know, very funny too. I mean at work he always looks so serious, but there was a time he wasn't like that." Jake looked at me in wonder.

"He was like that with me too! I don't like his office mode though, he always look so serious."

"Me too" I joked, gaining a laugh from him.

"Jake, can I ask you a favour?" I must have looked too serious than usual seeing him stiffened.

"I wouldn't like this would I?" Little Jacob looked defeated.

"Not as much as me, baby, but I need you to listen. Starting tomorrow, stop coming here and you need to attend your classes diligently." He was about to protest. He felt rejected.

"Hey, hey, hey buddy. Don't give me that look. I know it sucks, and I will miss you like crazy. But it's important for me to know you are safe."

"Everyone here knows me though; my papà is a Master so people wouldn't hurt me."

"Although most assassins here know not to mess with you, but I won't lie I do have enemies here and as you can see, things are a bit... sensitive around here these days, especially after what I did to some of the Masters yesterday. I also suspect your father has some enemies of his own too although I still haven't been able to confirm it 100% for now. I don't want you got hurt because of me."

"Someone wants my papà dead?" He looked terrified.

"Probably just hurt him a little bit, but I promise you I will protect him." Trying not to scare him as I pray Lucius's enemy truly just want to 'hurt him a little'.

"But if I am not here, who will protect you?!" He said with exasperation.

"Remember the guy from yesterday?"

"Was he your boyfriend?" He looked annoyed.

"You don't like him?" I teased him playfully.

"No, he isn't good enough for you!" He pouted and I laughed. Then we heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Master Octavius at the door. I motioned my little friend to go to his father. He asked for a hug and I gave one knowing this would be the last time I see him for a long time.

He whispered to my ear, "Stay safe, Liv. Kill those people who try to destroy you and my papà  for me." A strong word for a boy of 8, but I promised him nevertheless. He walked hand in hand with his father.

He waved back and shouted, "I love you!"

"Love you more!" I shouted back and I watched them leave until they disappear from my view. I took the scenic route to Luca's office to chase away my sadness. 

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