Chapter 40

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Hours ago they finally got into the plane. Livia tried her best to stay awake, fearing once she goes to sleep the nightmare comes back or her family is gone. So much happened in a span time of a few hours. She yawned but willed herself to stay awake and watched over her sleeping son instead.

"You can sleep, love. I am here and I'll get into your dream to protect you." Livia was unsure. They are two hours away from Rome so she should stay away until they are safe. However, being with her man made her felt more protected so she succumbed to sleep.

"We meet again, Livia." This time the blood god didn't even hide his form, fully made of blood with horns like of a deer.

"Pietro!" She screamed for her mate asking for assistance.

"He wouldn't be able to find you, little girl. You made a contract and you must pay. How dare you try to escape the deal? What kinds of dark magic you cast upon him until he willingly go after you, a disloyal woman who slept around with her mate's enemies?" He choked her and she found herself struggling to breathe.

"I promised you a year to tie up loose ends, but you are betraying your promise. Vampires are my creation, betraying them meaning betraying me. Don't blame me to claim what is promised to me right now." He tightened his hold on the female.

She started to cry, Livia couldn't end like this. What about the baby in her womb?

"Please... my baby is innocent. Let me give birth to him and you can claim my life." Livia begged, hoping for the god to safe her son.

"He is a half-vampire. Doesn't that mean he is under your protection too?" The god chuckled.

"Ah... your sweet, sweet mouth. I could see why the Ordinatio benefits much from you. I promise you your baby would live." Livia started to lose hope. 

She screamed for Pietro one last time. Seeing no response, she whispered her good bye to her mate and child. Telling them she regretted it ended like this and hoping they would keep safe.

"If I die, can you do me a favour and make sure Pietro would forget about me and you would bless him with a new mate? He would hate to be a murder, so you need to protect him from bloodlust too. If you can promise me this, I won't struggle as you take my life."

The blood god searched her face to find her trickery. He was familiar with this human's modus operandi, as he watched her performed all those kills relying mostly on her ability to charm and manipulate her enemies. The blood god only found her defeated face. The horned god figured this must be the human's sincere wish.

"I give you my word, child." He watched the small human nodded and stopped struggling. He replied her wish on his own mind. She wished for him to spare her mate instead of begging for her own life in her last moments.

His conscience felt like it was being tugged. He knew he made perfect mates to accompany his favourite creatures. However, humans are tricky and more unpredictable than his favourite creature, since they are gifted with free-will. 

The blood god wasn't sure at first when making a human mate for his creation, but he loved the vampire so much, he didn't want them to die out. He planned to create more mates for the other vampires if this one worked out for Lucius, alas the woman betrayed her mate.

He knew Livia would be a perfect mate that was worthy enough, not only to become Lucius' loyal companion, but also to protect the vampire. He could see the woman truly cared for his creature. A shame she decided to mate with others not fated for her.

The god hesitated, he felt an urge to use her as his messenger as a punishment instead of killing this loyal little woman. He decided to give her another chance.

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