Chapter 13

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Today marked my third week at the Ordinatio and I was walking to my Philosophy class as I see my small friend hiding behind one of the potted plants. I occasionally see him, but I think little Jake systematically arranged his schedule of visiting Master Kojiro's Philosophy Class, so his father wouldn't notice too much of his absence in class. From my experience as my children's guardian back at the orphanage, there was no way his father and teachers wouldn't notice this behaviour. The teachers at his school would definitely call the parents straight up.

"Hello amico mio, are you skipping class again?" The boy got startled.

"Liv! You scared me!" The boy giggled shyly.

"Why are you creeping in here like a thief instead of walking into class?" I raised one of my eyebrows getting curious of what the little man is up to.

"I'm scared if my dad knows that I'm with you and Master Kojiro again he would get mad. So I try to sneak in and just listen in on today's subject."

Liv pretended to think for ideas, "Aha! I have an idea my friend. Stay here." The little comrade nodded his head curtly.

Liv peeked into the class and signalled him the room is empty. Jake followed her into the classroom and picked a hiding spot. Little Jacob put his index finger in front of his lips, ordering Liv to stay quiet. Liv nodded and responded in similar gesture before innocently sit in her chair until Master Kojiro came to class.

"Good morning, Liv. Wha.." Before Kojiro could ask why Jake was hiding behind her, I signalled Kojiro to play along and mouthed, "Pretend not to notice" as I signalled the universal pleading sign joining my two palms together in a pleading manner.

Kojiro could have ended me if he saw it as me disrespecting him, but I am glad he nodded as a glint of mischief twinkled in his 70 year old eyes.

"Today, we'll be voicing our thoughts on mercy killing."

"Pssst... Liv? What is mercy killing?" I tried to contain my laughter as what Jake attempted as a quiet whisper is definitely audible to Master Kojiro too.

"To refresh your mind, mercy killing is to end someone's life if they suffer from really painful illness or something terminal."

"What is terminal?" Jacob asked trying his best to be quiet and failed.

Master Kojiro gave example of terminal illness and the boy let an audible O. I chuckled as I shook my head. I can't believe a Master Assassin is indulging in this child's play, but I was relieved that he did. I liked to see the fondness and the soft side of Master Kojiro for this boy as Jake started to grow on me too. I missed his curious thoughts and our 15 minute banter as he walked me to my next class. To be honest, I was always curious why he could freely roam this high security facility and could enter and exit easily. I guess if his dad is an Assassin, he could just waltz in here.

Mid class, we heard the knocks on the classroom door. I heard the 'original Jacob', Lucius Octavius's voice asking Kojiro about his son and apologized for any disturbance he had caused. The two masters chatted briefly over some Ordinatio matter.

I just got reminded that a long time ago Lucius told me he couldn't have any kids even if he wanted to. Then, Cora told me that vampires could only made offspring with other vampires or their mates to have offspring the natural way. That, or sire one through blood exchange or something. That explained why Jake told me he couldn't have kids, the possibility of finding a mate was hard enough and the only female vampire left he considered as a sister. 

"Your daddy is here, baby." I turned around and whispered to Jake.

"But I still want to stay with you and study here." His eyes pleading me to let me stay.

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