Chapter 14

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Livia's Point of View


I think I heard some noise only to look around to find nothing.

"Psst! Liv!" I turned back and saw little Jake waved at me. It's around 10PM and I just finished my last class, the Night Free-run Class.

I couldn't believe my eyes. What is an 8 year old doing here instead of bed.

"Jacob, you should be in bed. What are you doing? Are you alright?" I checked the boy's body for wounds and glad to find none.

"I'm okay Liv. I met my mom earlier and I want to show her to you. Come!" Before I could say anything, he ran out to one of the exits and we half walk, half sprint to the graveyard.

"Jacob, you have school tomorrow. We could have seen her together another time, I think we need to head back." I tried tugging his little hand, but he shook his head and led me to his mother's grave. I obviously wasn't super excited to see Lucius's last wife, but I feel bad for the child. He wanted to show me his mom and I think that warms my heart, knowing he trusted me to meet the person he liked.

"This is my mamma, I told her about you." Jacob said while looking at his mother's tombstone.

"It's cold out here. Do you think my mamma is cold?" He moved to touch the ground. He unwrapped his shawl to cover her headstone to make her feel warmer.

"If this is a joke..." I recognize the photo that was taken by in Dusseldorf of me and Lucius. I was about to get angry at little Jacob. Wanting to demand answer for what kind of a sick prank he was trying to pull and he cut me to it.

"Are you my mommy's sister? You look an awful lot like her." He paused to think and I waited for him to continue.

"Liv, truthfully I brought you here because sometimes you look lonely. You told me you could send messages to the people who went to heaven through prayer. Maybe praying for her would make you less lonely." He said unsurely, searching my face for approval.

"I mean I can't sneak out of school or my house too much so..." He rambled on but everything falls to my deaf ears.

I read the headstone.

Lucy, a loving wife and mother.

(no birthday – approximate death year)

"My love, you went to heaven too soon. Now, you are watching over us, I hope now you know the truth. How much I will always miss and love you until the last of my dying breath. Wait for me, wife." - Pietro Lucius Octavius

By now, I am shaking and I no longer have control over my body. Little Jacob tried to tell me something as concerned developed in his features, but I couldn't hear any words he said.

Suddenly I heard a sudden voice, "Jacob Luciano Octavius! I look for you everywhere!"

He directed his gaze at me, "What the fuck you were doing on my wife's grave? What the fuck you were trying to do with my son?"

I snapped out of my panic state at the right time. He approached cautiously as he slowly moved to take his dagger ready to strike. Fuck! He thought I abducted his child.

Thank God for the darkness, he didn't knew who I was yet so I sprinted as if my life depended on it. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what was I thinking trying to outrun a Master Assassin?!

Suddenly, a hand grabbed me so hard, I heard my joint made a little noise. Having no choice, I silently pray this person was not trying to kill me too. Following his lead, we entered one of those small houses for rich people's grave. 

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