Chapter 26

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Typically this kind of auction or anything related to dating isn't really Lucius' scene. However, the pharmaceutical CEO he tried to sign a contract with told him to continue the discussion in the auction. 

They haven't manage to reach an agreement and the meeting dragged longer than both parties expected. Lucius could tell that the CEO clearly wanted to anywhere else, instead of talking business after office hours.

Lucius tried to continue the negotiation in the auction, but the vampire knew that the man was distracted.

Seeing that the meeting has started to get unproductive, Lucius got up and excused himself promising to schedule another meeting some time within the week. He couldn't blame the CEO. Who would like to talk business when surrounded by beautiful ladies? He is the anomaly amongst the male creatures in the realm, still haven't been able to move on from his late wife.

That was until he heard the familiar voice. He started to focus his attention on the blond lady on the stage and realize it was his recruit. He was curious about what she was about to say and perhaps wanting to see what she is going to do in her performance section, so he sat back down.

Once the Frank Sinatra song played and he heard Livia's voice, Lucius couldn't believe how uncannily similar Livia's voice to that of his late wife. His heart ached and he tried to listen more to the song, trying to make sense of what is happening. As he saw her closing her eyes, he closed his. 

Remembering the dance he shared with his late pretend wife in his kitchen. He started to wonder if the blood god, Aether, decided to take pity on him and give him a true mate that made his blood sing. The one that was similar to his long lost love.

He started thinking of a possibility to find a mate again after what happened at Berra's sex club. He had forgotten what sex felt like until Livia revived his desire just by being near him. He had never touched a any assassin in the Ordinatio or even think of anything remotely close. Everyone was programmed by his mind as strictly colleagues.

However, he lost control with Livia and did what he never done before. Against his better judgement, he not only touched her in his office, but also fucked her in the sex club when it was unnecessary to do so.

He had to taste her again. He had this need to figure this woman out. He needed to find out what made her different than other women around him.

He betted in the auction until he won against the other bidders. "You are a hot blooded man afterall, Lucius. And here I thought I am dealing with a robot. I'll sign the deal so you can get your 40 million Euro back, but for now go have fun with your lady!" The CEO of Italia Pharmaceuticals laughed happily for him and pat his back like a proud father.

Lucius thanked him and excused himself to grab Livia off the stage. He never let go of her hand as he hauled them a cab and went to the Capitoline museum.

Once they arrived, Lucius paid the taxi driver and broke the silent. "Fancy some nightly museum sightseeing?" He smiled at her. Her similarity was strikingly close to his wife, so perhaps the recruit would enjoy the same leisure activity that him and his pretend wife used to enjoy together.

Livia felt conflicted. On the one side she wanted to tell her boss that she was actually on a mission and he ruined it. On the other hand, she wanted this. Dreamt of this since he saw Pietro again when she saw him that day in her first day in the Ordinatio. She chose the latter. There must be a good reason why Luca didn't tell other Masters about this mission and she wasn't about to break the mood.

She silently promised to God to follow her heart one last time. One last date and she promised to stay away.

"Yes, I do sir." She smiled back at the vampire.

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