Chapter 25

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Nearing the night time, Luca called me into his office. I was kind of thankful for not hearing anything form the Masters for a while now. They are probably taking care of the Lucius matter on their own. I even thought the whole ordeal was close to over, since we found the ledger and they had the priests' confession. I'm just wondering why the three Masters hadn't been sacked.

"Please, sit." Luca said as he gestured to the chair across him.

"Still making trouble around the Ordinatio, recruit?" Referring to my over-excitement earlier in the day.

"I still can't believe the Masters tell people to remain calm and composed at all time. Not even allowing me to show any emotions at all when I talk to my friends are like handing my personality and everything that made me unique for the Ordinatio." I see him not reacting, clearly because I speak out of turn. I've grown pretty accustomed to Luca and I have to admit I sometimes forgot my place and the fact that he isn't really my friend.

"My apologies for speaking out of turn, Master di Vasiri." I try not to look down on my feet to show my guilt.

"Accepted. I need you to do something for me." He looked serious.

"A charity event targeting Italy's top 1% in the form of a blind date auction for rich people is going to happen tomorrow at the Romana hotel. It's another masquerade-themed event, so both the attendees and the auctioned will be wearing a mask." He referred to the new 5-star hotel.

"Guess who is going to be there?" The answer is pretty obvious.

"A member of the Dagger Brotherhood?" I guessed.

"Correct. He is one of the leader's right hand man. So I need you and your personality to shine tomorrow, gather Intel, and come back here."

"I'm going to be one of the auctioned?"

"Correct. You'll meet the target, seduce him and make sure he spent his money on you. Our latest intel shows that he just received some money from Marvolo. We target him because he is the social one and known to be frivolous to spend, so if you play your cards right he would definitely spend his money on you." He gave me the file of the man I am supposed to seduce and all the information I need to know about him.

"I need you to find proof of the involvement between Berra and the Daggers. Search his place for proof. In case you didn't find anything but manage to get him to loosen up, I'll have a truth serum ready. If you opt to gather information that way, you could ask him what we need to know and record it." I nodded understanding my mission.

"This time we wouldn't be able to talk on the comm. or you could get caught right away. We recently found that one of the rogues gave them a prototype of our listening device and comm, so until we are sure our communication device won't put our agents in danger, we'll have to make do without one." I'm a bit scared knowing I would have to enter the enemy lair without support, but I know Luca is prepping everything he could to make this mission easier for me to complete. He needs the information as much as I need to stay alive, so I believe he would try his best to assist.

"I will be backstage with you in the beginning to help you identify the target, but more or less you would be on your own since I am well known by their brotherhood. He knew all of the Master Assassins by heart actually, like we know all their higher ups. Ah yes by the way, each 'date' that would be auctioned tomorrow is required to perform something after the introduction. Would you be okay with that?"

"I'll manage, sir." I put up a fake bravado that I started to master. Fake it till you make it, am I right?

"Good. I'll update First Master Raina tomorrow and have her adjust your schedule. You are dismissed."

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