Chapter 15

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"Giacobbe Luciano Octavius. You will keep kneeling and have your hands raised straight up until morning." Jake sobbed and tried to stop his whimpers.

"You do not deserve to cry, Jacob. Not after what you made your father through." Jake bit his lips to stop his sobbing. He was tired, but he knew if he wanted to calm his father he would need to show him he was worthy. Worthy to be his son, to be a future assassin.

"Why did I tell you to not go alone at night, Jacob?"

"As a Master Assassins you have many enemies and they could hurt me, sir." Jacob answered fearfully.

"That's right. And what made you stupid enough to leave the apartment, Jacob? Do you think you are untouchable, since your father is an Assassin? Smarter than your old father? Tell me, Jacob." Lucius tried his best to not lash out as his child. He took a few deep breaths as he heard his son answered.

Jacob flinched as his father called him stupid and it made the tears he tried so hard to stop, threaten its way out again.

"I was with Liv, papà! She wouldn't harm me and I know she would protect me. She is my friend!" Jacob half-shouted in fear and desperation.

Many questions passed through Lucius' mind. 

Was that why Livia couldn't meet his eyes earlier when she bumped into him in the hallway? Was it because she was the one running away from him? 

If she was there with Jacob, why didn't she just stay put and say so, instead of covering her face and run? 

Was it truly her inside Luca's office?  After all, his secret entrance is located where his parents graves are housed, in the exact building he saw the hooded man entered. 

If so, why was Luca covering for her? 

"You were with Liv at mamma's grave. Why, my son? Did you take her there?"

"Yes, papà. Liv is my friend you see, and she often looked so lonely as if she missed someone. I think she missed her children at the orphanage." Little Jake couldn't bear to look at his father's angry eyes.

"The cemetery where my mamma is sounded so quiet and lonely to. I... I thought my mamma, I mean your wife, probably would like it if she has one more friend to talk to. So I took Liv there to convince her to be your wife's friend." The little man tried his best not to stutter and be careful with his words, fearing his father wouldn't like it if he kept calling the vampire's wife as his mother.

"Liv probably didn't like the idea. I told her she looked like my mamma, sorry sir I mean your wife. And she... she started shaking as if she was afraid of my mommy. I guess being at the cemetary in the middle of the night frightened her." Jake's face fell even more, he couldn't help but refer to Lucy as his mother.

Lucius didn't know what to make of all this. He went to the floor where his son was and gave him a hug. 

Such innocence... The Master Assassin's heart tightened, grossly misjudging his son's heart.

The vampire felt horrible. His son went there bringing his friend, so his wife wouldn't feel lonely. Yet he punished his son harshly, having him kneel from midnight until now, 3 hours later.

"Can I hug you back papà? I'm sorry I disappointed you."

"Come hug me, my son. Papà is also sorry for calling you stupid. You aren't. You are the smartest boy I know. I was scared, I would lose you like I lost your mamma." The Master Assassin purposely using the word 'the boy's mother' instead of his wife to let the boy knew that he could refer her as such. They hugged, taking comfort in each other's arms.

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