Chapter 41

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Lucius's Apartment

"Wife, wake up." My Pietro, tried to wake me up with some kisses. I have no training today still, so I don't get why I get to wake up early.

It had been one month since we mated and I gave birth to our son. Pietro gave me the ring that he bought me all those years ago. But not before he questioned me first on why I left when he told me to wait for him. He asked me about my feelings for him back.

I answered him honestly and he put the ring on me. It was a hard conversation to have to say the least. Sometimes we cried as we told each other what happened years ago and what we had done while we seperated. 

Now we were together, I am wearing his ring, and it made me feel I am on cloud nine. "I don't have training today, Master Assassin, sir." I yawned some more, cuddled more into him and try to go back to sleep.

"You don't, but we are getting married today. Don't you say you need to see Cora because she is going to help you with your make up?" He chuckles as he continues to attack me with kisses.

I hear little excited footsteps entered our bedroom "Livia is going to officially be my mamma today! Right, papà?" Jacob screams excitedly.

"That is correct, Jake, but speak softer or you'll wake your little brother." I open my eyes to see my eldest covered his mouth, forgetting to speak lowly when his brother is napping.

I wake up with excitement, realizing Jacob is right. I sat up straight and call Jacob to my side to give him some kisses and tickles. I match Jacob's excited bounciness in the morning."Mamma stop or we'll wake the baby!" he half squeals, half whispers.

The man I would officially marry, rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on, wife. I tried waking you up for half an hour and you heard our eldest, you are jumping out of bed right away?" Pietro fakes a pout. I look at Jacob and we burst out laughing as we never thought the always-serious Master Assassin could pout.

"Oh come on, husband. You had me all to yourself for a month. You practically hold me hostage in our bedroom. I miss my Jacob, right baby?" Jacob nods excitedly and sticks his tongue out childishly at his father. 

"I see my wife and son are ganging up against me." Pietro faked a disappointed look and directed his gaze to Jacob.

"Jacob I'm disappointed. What happened to 'I love you, father, even if you drink blood I love you anyway'. What changed?" Jake giggled from his father's bad impression of our first son. The vampire grinned widely and snatched his first son quickly from my hold and attacked him with kisses. I can get used to this, having a loving husband who loves our children as much as I do.

"Papà, you are embarrassing me!" He laughed and tried to struggle. 

"Hey buddy, has daddy ever told you why he named you Jacob?" I lifted the my first son and put him between me and his father.

"Um, yeah because I asked for a name? I never had one before, my birth father only called me 'little fuck'." The boy looks down on his hand, suddenly not understanding why I bring up the sour topic. I didn't know. My husband looks pained as he remembered how his first encounter with Jacob. His father was beating him to pulp. Pietro avenged his son, somehow knowing he would raise the boy as his own.

"My son, Livia wasn't trying to remind you of your past. She meant the origin of your given name. Jacob was the name I used to introduce myself to your mother." Pietro whispered to his ears. 

"Really?! You gave me your name?" Our son beamed so hard, it's hard not to smile along.

"Really." I tell our eager boy.

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