Chapter 16

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I sneaked into personnel record section at the HR room, where the blue collared assassins work in the office by day and murder people by night. I imagined they were probably tasked with killing people who quit too.

Shuddering internally, I moved to the "DISMISSED PERSONELL" section that I assumed contained the psyc eval of the recruits being cancelled. I read as much as I could and found that extreme anti-social behaviour, especially one that was rooted from genetics was as good as a death sentence. Psychopathy had better chance of passing than agents with anti-social disorder. Another death sentence would be agents with bipolar disorders with genetic root cause. 

I think I got it, avoid from acting like all three and I should live.

I was about to sneak my way out but one of the blue collared assassin, was beside me all along. I jumped because I was scared and bemused. He asked me what I was doing reading restricted personnel files. 

He was about to unsheathe his stiletto when I apologized for sneaking in and explained my fascination with psychology. I told him I wished to be assigned in the psychology department after my Gladiatoral Blood Rite ceremony. 

He didn't believe me, so I told him to observe which section we were at. I explained that I didn't look at personnel files of the people we currently have on board, but I looked at the people who got rejected.

He looked me up and down, assessing my body language. Thankfully, after a while he started to loosen up and switched into flirting mode. He told me his name was Bryan and explained that there were cameras everywhere in the facility, so if I needed to see personnel files next time I should go ask for his assistance. He touched my arm suggestively and winked at me.

"Ah, I see. Thank you so much for explaining to me. I went through a hassle looking for this section. Next time I should just go to you." I winked back at him and blew him a kiss, still hoping he wouldn't kill me. Please let me leave!

"Come visit me sometime, babe. Maybe we could have fun and I could teach you a skill or two that would guarantee you pass in the Gladiatoral Blood Rite." I inherently groan. I really want to learn about that. I wish this knowledge survival could just get written in a book or something. 

Too bad, I don't think I can have sex with anyone other than my husband.

We exchanged a few pleasantries and he walked me outside of the HR department. With one swift movement he held my waist and planted a kiss on my cheek. At that exact moment, the Masters passed by us. 

I didn't miss how Luca looked at me questioningly while Lucius glared at me disapprovingly. Thankfully, Bryan's towering body covered me as he turned to salute the Masters, so nobody saw my face and my identity intact. Only my shaved head gave away my name.

Lucius' glares hurt, but I guess I deserved it. It seems that whenever he saw me, I was always in presence of different men, in compromising positions. I wanted to get angry at myself. I don't want him to see me like this. I want to tell everyone that he was the only man that matters, the only man that I wanted touching me.

Alas, I did not have the luxury. I needed to help both of us and our son stay alive, so if my silence warranties that then I will gladly suffer in silence. 

Lanaya taught me that flirtation is one of the techniques of assassination. With that said, this isn't the time I should feel guilty flirting to get information for survival. My family's survival depended on it.

I needed to start thinking about concealing my identity and surviving. Now to my understanding, the whole hearing was more about my performance but not my looks. I decided to grab a black bandana and put it on as a mask to cover my lower face. I folded another one a few times, put it around my head, and tied the back to complete the look as I put on a hoodie.

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