Chapter 29

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Livia's Point of View

I work out a little bit to get the sweat out, so it looked like I really just jogged. Satisfied with the amount of sweat I gathered, I moved to the coffee shop and I thank God for creating humans as a creature of habit. I spotted Mario right away, reading his newspaper while sipping on his espresso. I pretend that I just finished my morning jog and head into the coffee shop for a quick caffè myself.

I was 'about to leave the shop' and stop in front of my target, pretending to meet him by accident. "Oh my gosh! Weren't you from the auction from yesterday?" I feigned my excitement meeting him again.

"The beautiful lady that caught my eyes last night. My apologies for losing the bid last night, but you must know that you ruined other women in the auction for me. Crossed my heart, tesoro, I went home alone."

"Aww, I am glad to hear that. My date went badly, so here I was jogging the memory away." I shuddered to make it look believable. 

While in reality it was one of the best highlight of my life.

"I'm sorry to hear it, my lady." He looked at the time ready to leave.

"Can you keep me company today? Honestly, I think your touch would make me feel better." I put my hand on his suggestively.

He kiss my hand in response. I try not to show my disgust and act flattered instead. 

You are an assassin, Livia. Remember that.

I whispered seductively, "Could you please get me out of here?" Hoping he really would take me back to his apartment, so I could do my job.

He responded by taking my hands and his coffee, leading me to his apartment. Here goes nothing, I thought as my heart pounded with nervousness for my first unofficial mission alone.

"I need to use the washroom for a little bit, beautiful. Make yourself at home while you are here." I spotted the security cameras around me as I calculated how much time I have to myself before he came back. I quickly seeped in the sedative into his coffee, hoping the sedative outpowered his coffee.

I looked around for files or anything else I could take later once he fall asleep. I feigned insterest in his antique collections. His room was designed with lots of wood furnishing, giving it a classic classy look, complementing the dark blue fleur-de-lis wallpaper around the room. I went to his study desk and brushed the mouse 'accidentally'. His computer was not locked, perhaps he was working before getting his coffee thinking he would go right back to work. I heard his footsteps, so I directed my gaze to his book collections.

"Find anything you like?" He took his small coffee shot and gulped the rest. First step, success. We are starting this off correctly. I need to finish the rest just as smoothly.

"I didn't think you were the kind of man who reads romance. But then again come to think of it you kept saying the right thing, so I guess you do read romance after all." I smiled at him flirtatiously.

"Come here, woman. I thought you need help with forgetting." He slammed his mouth into me and I used all my restrain to not slap him. I forced myself to kiss him back and he was quick to touch me everywhere and played with my pussy. I could fake being enamored, but how do one faked being wet? I was as dry as a desert and I started to panic. 

He took of my pants and threw it away as he continued to play with my pussy. He led me to his king size bed. Then he stripped off his pants and directed my hand to please him. He was about to shove his dick into my mouth, when he started to lose balance. I guess the drug finally kicked in, so I took the chance to take charge. I dropped him off to the bed, allowing his hands to play with my breasts as I grind myself against him until he fell asleep. I try to milk his cock and rolled a condom on it, hoping when he wakes later I would be able to make him believe that he fainted after cumming. 

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