Chapter 34

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5 months later and Livia is still missing and untrackable.

Lucius woke up in the middle of the night with a start. His chest was in an excruciating pain and his bloodlust was triggering to surface. Something was wrong with Livia, he could feel it. He spent the rest of the night screaming and struggling against his chains. Kojiro watched through the CCTV and flagged the other 2 Masters.

"One of our allies spotted her just now in Kaunas, Lithuania. I think she is trying to attack another Dagger Brotherhood's council member." During the past 5 months, she had killed 8 of the 12 council members and judging from the looks of it, Kojiro thought, she found her next target.

"We have been trying to locate the council, but none of our assassins made it. How the heck she found 9 within 5 months?" Raina asked in wonder.

"You know Rose, she was more similar to you than you thought. I am guessing when our assassins are more honed in killing; she is an adept manipulator and has charismatic presence like you. If you weren't the First Master Assassin who has to deal with the business side of things among other things, you probably would have been able to track them too." Luca kissed her with passion, not caring that Kojiro was watching their exchange.

"Perhaps rather than spending your time kissing and fucking each other so much, you could track the other two council members, so we could track Livia's possible future movements." The lovers only grinned at the older Master Assassin. 

"Can you two take care of Jake for a few days until I get back? I'll go to Kaunas now and try my luck with finding our missing recruit."


Kaunas, Lithuania 2021


"Fuck me, how are they on my trail already." I moved from one building to another with my bleeding leg as the Dagger members are coming after me. Their bowmen in this region are accurate and they are speedy. Last night, I tried dodging left and right but one of them still hits me with a poison dart. I didn't have money to tend to it so I just wrapped it with a flimsy cloth, and made a herbal remedy as taught by the Ordinatio, and hope I survive. And survived I did... I guess the movement caused it to bleed again.

After Mario's and Vargas' deaths, I used the same flirting method for the two council members after Vargas. That method back fired eventually as the third council member pretended to take my bait and lured me into his place to poison me. Luckily I went with my gut, and escaped there and returned the next day to kill him. After that I changed my method, honing my worst skill set as an assassin, which is stealth.

At least now I can blend in the crowd undetected and pick pocket people to survive. I also found that I am pregnant with Pietro's baby, so I am trying to speed this killing business up a notch. Therefore, I would be done with this before my child is born. 

Of course like a normal human being, I would prefer being home and enjoying being pregnant instead of murdering people. But I need to make this world better for my baby, Jake and Pietro, so I know they would be able to live like any other normal humans, without being hunted and return safely to my children's father.

Well... maybe. Last month I tracked two council members in Egypt and followed them to the underground ruin of ancient Alexandria library, Egypt. Along with the two council members, I found something that broke my heart . I knew that vampires are territorial in nature, but I didn't know Pietro would be able to smell other people who had lain with me, no matter if I had used protection or not. He would go into bloodlust the moment I was within his proximity - killing me and our baby. The baby we longed for when we still pretended to live as husband and wife. 

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