Chapter 4

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Today is our last day together. We decided to go out for a picnic together. He bought tickets to Germany, said our last days should be even more memorable. As we sat here in Dusseldorf, facing the Rhine River I silently thought, It would be wonderful if we came with our children. I kept that sad thought to myself as we enjoy the scenery together.

"This ice cream is nice, but not as nice as our Gelato that we had last time. What flavour was it, the vanilla with the chocolate chips?" I said as I lay my head on his thighs.

"Stracciatella, amore mio." He replied as he played with hair.

"Right. Stracciatella." We silently watched families play and eat together.

"The view is remarkable." I said while looking at my husband.

He kept his focus straight ahead, absorbing his surroundings. "Absolutely breathtaking."

Another pause. He didn't know I was talking about him, I smiled to myself.

"Will you miss me when I'm gone?" I straighten myself up to look him in the eyes.

"With all my heart, wife." I couldn't believe his acting skills were this good, if he was my real husband and none of these are fake I would definitely buy it. It was okay though, it still felt good nevertheless to know that someone would miss me when I'm gone.

I looked back at the children playing Frisbees ahead of us and rested my head on his shoulders and my hand on his beating heart. "Thank you. That's enough for me." I smiled and contently close my eyes.

"And you? Will you miss me wherever you go from here?" I open my eyes only to see his eyes filled with pain that he was trying to mask. What was with the pain in his eyes whenever we talked about my leaving? We both knew this was bound to happen, I mean I knew I fell for him but it's hard not to. After all I knew all his good qualities and beautiful soul.

While me? I'm a plain-jane beyond replaceable. I knew this as a fact, since my extended family always make sure they told me daily that I will always be a nobody. They are dead, Lucy. Let the dead rest in peace. Forget what they said, forget what they did.

"I pray you find a good woman that cares for you more than I ever will. I also wish she loves you with all her heart." Like I do.

I took a deep breath to mask my own sadness. "And you guys could successfully conceive. Nowadays, we have all sorts of technology to get  pregnant other than the traditional way. You would make a wonderful father, Jake. Really." So in conclusion, yes I would miss you very much and more. I love you, Jacob.

"Ouch, so quick to send me away to another woman I see." He joked while caressing his heart pretending to feel hurt. His smile didn't reach his eyes though, so perhaps he was somewhat as sad as I was with this parting. Then again, we did spend a month inseparable from each other. I felt like crying, so I excused myself to go to the public bathroom.

I cried while biting my own hand to stop others from hearing my cries. 

I can't do this. I can't walk away from him and stay alive.

I went out of the comfort of the washroom stall and wash my face with water. I went out to face my husband, concern written across his face.


"I'm fine. Maybe an indigestion, I did ate too fast with all those good food." I smiled at him. He looked at me suspiciously, but decided to let it go. We went back to where we sat and a photographer stopped by.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I am practicing for a pre-wedding I'm shooting next week. I'm new, so I want to practice a lot that way I could give my best shot for the couple. Do you mind if I use you two as your model?

"Sure. As long as we get to keep a copy." Jake told the photographer. He nodded enthusiastically.

"For sure, sir! If you leave me your email, I'll clean it up real nice for you and send it your way."

"Um, how do you want us to pose?" I asked the gentleman.

"I think just lie on your husband's lap, while you sir can look at her with a loving expression. Caress her face as well. Just act naturally."

I nodded to the photographer. I feel self-conscious. My husband seems to notice this as he held my hand while mouthing "It will all be well, my love." That made me smile. Off the script he kissed me hard and wet in the lips.

Click. Then a few more clicks.

"All done! Thank you so much." He said bowing slightly that I replied with a nod.

"How long have you guys been married? It's refreshing to see that after all these years you are still madly in love with each other." He handed a piece of paper to my husband so he could write his email. I don't know how to respond to that, luckily my fake husband is a good actor.

"I met her in her last year of high school. I was her science teacher. The rest was history." He explained as he return the paper back to the photographer. Boom. He explained how we met, the chemistry, and our 10 year age gap. Come to think of it, I never asked him how old he was. I only knew he looked like a decade older and wiser. Anyhow, it wasn't important since we weren't really married.

"I see. Well, I hope you two remain like this until deaths do you apart. Thank you again for your time, have a wonderful evening." We waved him good bye. Suddenly, I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted to spend my last day with Jake alone. Just me and him.

"Jake, can we please go back to the hotel?" I plead.

"As you wish, my love." I closed my eyes, knowing today is the last day he would call me that.

We walked hand in hand to the hotel. Once we were safely tucked away in our room, I closed the door and kissed him hard. I wanted him to know that I would always want him. That I felt more than just adoration. That I wished things could be different and I wanted him to ask me to stay.

"I need you, Jake. I need you inside me." Jake nodded understandingly. He led us to bed and stripped us both. He put his mouth on my vagina to ensure I am wet. Once he tasted my wetness. He spat on his hand to lube his cock and prepared himself to mount me. He plunged into me in one thrust and as always, his thrusts made me see stars.

"My love." He chanted as he keeps driving his cock into me.

"Mine. Tell me you are mine, Lucy." I couldn't say it. I just nodded. We both know our union would end tomorrow, if I say it I would probably confessed my feeling. I'm scared that he would find me disgusting for falling in love only within one month of meeting him or he would run to the hills if I told him about my feelings. 

No, I wouldn't be able to handle it, my pride as a woman wouldn't let me tell him. Jake brought me back to earth as he thrusted hard one last time before releasing his semen inside me.

For tonight, I'll hold him. I asked God for one night feeling like I was desired and wanted by Jake. God above gave me fourteen of it. It is more than enough, I convinced myself before letting sleep claimed me.

I woke for a little bit as I seemingly heard Jake made a phone call. I called him back to bed subtly only to let sleep claims me again to dream about us and our children. 

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