Chapter 30

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I stay for a few days with Mario Garza, the secretary of the European Chapter head council of the Dagger Brotherhood. Pretending to be reluctant to separate from him. He tried multiple times to convince me to go back. Once or twice I could see his eyes dancing with excitement from the prospect of gaining a new spy. Heck, I still couldn't believe he showed me the list of compromised assassins to convince that I have friends should I choose to go back.

I still need to figure out a way to give the recording, the list, and a copy of Mario's USB drive. If I play my cards right, I might be able to give the package to the assassins and survive with my life. I decide to grab a laundry basket and sneak out to a laundry place that I knew is in the Ordinatio's patrol area.

Once outside, I direct myself to the Laundromat. I could feel that I'm being followed... this is good. I am counting on Mario to have me followed. He is always paranoid and never let me leave whenever I told him I wish to go outside by myself to get some fresh air. Perhaps some part of him still suspects me as I keep throwing at him beneficial 'coincidences' that could advance his career and act like a perfect woman meeting his every needs. 

Heck, I was training with the assassins for 4-5 months or so now and I start to realize that even when my senses aren't as perfect as a full fledged assassin, but they are greatly more acute. And I will gladly use it to my advantage. In the corner of my eyes, I could see shadow of a person jumping from one roof to another.


I heard rumours of how the Assassins treat their runaway agents. It's hard not to believe it when I almost died merely by almost getting 'dismissed' as an unfit trainee. So here I am now, casually doing laundry with my jogging outfit in the machine, while I use new clothes Mario Garza bought me. Luca said the recorder is small but tough, so we'll see how it's doing against a washing machine and a drier. 

I know it's risky, but I have to act as natural as possible to not rouse any suspicion. I finished my laundry; put them in the laundry basket as I folded the USB and the paper carefully into my clothing. Then, I went outside and silently hating the situation I put myself in. Back at the Ordinatio, having extremely exhausting free run classes at least allow me to roam freely in the city of Rome, but being with Mario was like being confined in a gold gilded cage unless if I agree to go back to the organization as his spy.

No time to lose, I head back to Mario's apartment. 

Come on, Intercept me at any time now Assassin. I begged silently. 

I almost arrive safely at Mario's apartment to my disappointment, when suddenly I found two assassins hounding me.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here? A recruit runaway, eh?" The first one spoke.

"Finally following your Dagger Brotherhood calling, huh? You know, the Masters were searching all over for you and especially the desperate vampire. Maybe he'll torture and kill you himself once we brought you in."

I pretend to cower as they uncover their blades to corner me into a small and secluded ally. One of the most important rule in fighting in Rome is never let your enemy corner you to a secluded ally, which is why they trained us to scale building and free running, to avoid the situation from happening in the first place. 

FUCK MARIO! SHOW UP YOU, PUTTANA! I tried summoning Mario somehow with a forced telepathy so he would show up and 'rescue me'. 

I am still holding my laundry bag as Mario charge attack the assasins from behind. I purposely drop my laundry and get to Mario's side. Mario wounds both of the guards pretty heavily and before he could perform the killing blow, I stop him.

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