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Ordinatio Headquarter

A few hours later I am all dolled up in my wedding dress as I give myself a last one-over. I'm nervous for this marriage business, knowing my luck, something bad would happen and preventing us from being married again. Some female assassins couldn't even help but smile happily as they never seen a wedding at the Ordinatio Headquarters before.

Cora helped quiz me on my vow, making sure I remember everything I am about to say. It's a little long, but I memorized them by heart easily since I know these are the things I want to promise Pietro forever.

Kojiro knocked on the door. "Ready, princess?" He called me affectionately like a father would, looking great in his Master Assassin ceremony robe.

"So much so, if I don't run to the altar and get married right away I would scream." I grinned at Kojiro and he let out a hearty laugh. He offered me his arm and I took it. We arrived at the entrance to the Assembly hall and the organ played the traditional wedding song.

My breath hitched as I see my handsome vampire in his regal attire of the official Master Assassin uniform, different from what Kojiro and Luca is wearing. Raina looked very beautifuil in her dress, decorated with the Ordinatio symbol and coloring, but nobody look remotely close to my future husband.

I didn't realize I was walking quickly in my heels until Master Kojiro cleared his throat and I slowed my pace. My future husband gave me a knowing smirk, trying to maintain his calm composure. I couldn't take my eyes of my groom; I don't even realize our officiant for today's mass is the Pope himself. I haven't been a Catholic in a while, but I grew up within the Catholic Church and I maintain a good relationship with them, so I was still starstruck meeting the pope.

Right, I forgot that I was sent here in the first place because the pope has close ties with the Ordinatio as our informant and Patron. Consider it like a Master that operates outside of our headquarters.

Kojiro handed me over to my groom and we both thanked him, but not before hearing Master Kojiro's whispered words to my future husband. "You try to kill her again, you die. You put her in more danger, you die. You made her sad, you die, vampire. Remember that." I am torn between feeling honoured Master Kojiro wantsto keep me safe, and at the same time I also want to rip him apart. What if the vampire decided the stake was too high to be married and it scared him away?

Master Octavius nodded at the older Master Assassin and they hugged.

I zoned out most of the mass, until the time to say our vows are up. Pietro's voice boomed as he vowed himself to me. "I, Pietro Lucius Octavius, take you, Livia Lucia von Syrakus, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part. I also promise to protect you and our children, and I vow that I would never let harm come to you that would cause you to shed a tear out of sadness. According to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow."

"I Livia Lucia von Syrakus, take you Pietro Lucius Octavius to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow." I rapped through the entire thing.

Cora nudges me and whispers loudly, "Dude, that's the original marital vow. You added a lot more than that, what are you doing?"

"No, no listen. This mass had dragged way too long. I'll recite them in our marital bedroom every night before bed. I almost died so many times, not knowing Pietro wants me. We kept missing each other for years, and we almost didn't get to be together because of a stupid vampire natural instinct and the blood god. I almost didn't get to be a mother to two beautiful boys. So hold your tongue sister, because all I want to do is to get us both out of here, married, and start our life together." I say quickly through what I am starting to realize to be my anxious state.

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