Eudoria Holmes~ Part 1

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"And I just wish there was something I could do about all this," you finish, dodging a punch. You were in self-defense class, taught by your family friend, Edith. You had known her forever, and since your parents died in the accident, she was really your only family. You had only started taking self-defense a couple of months ago since she has suggested it. Anyway, you had just finished a massive rant about how patriarchal the world was.
"Listen, I'm not really supposed to say this," Edith began, and you moved closer to her to listen, "but I'm in this...organization".
"What kind of organization?"
"Votes for women. Bringing down the patriarchy," she said shortly.
"Can I join?"
"There's a meeting tonight. Meet me back here in two hours and we'll go. It's ok the country".
"Ok, thanks," you said, turning to leave.
"Wait y/n," she said, and you spun around, "you're serious about this, aren't you? Because the things we do are intense. You have to want it bad".
"I do".

"So, where exactly are we going?" you asked. You were in a carriage with your friend, heading to the meeting.
"Countryside. It's where Eudoria lives".
"She's really the leader of the group. She's a total badass".
"She sounds intimidating," you said, worried.
"A little, but she's nice".

You walked inside the house and your friend led you to a room. Once you got inside, you saw a few women were already there, gathered around a table. The woman at the head of the table made you stop in your tracks. She was definitely Eudoria, you could tell by her confident stance. Her light brown hair was back in a bun, and she was wearing a green, body-hugging dress. She had deep brown eyes that you could look at all day, and her cheekbones were...
"Y/n?" Edith asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Uhhh...yes?" you asked, totally distracted.
"Introduce yourself".
"Oh right. Hi, I'm y/n and I'm 20 years old and I'm really excited to fight for our rights!" you managed to scrape together. A few women smiled and waved. You mostly listened for the rest of the meeting, but you couldn't stop staring at Eudoria. She was perfect. She talked about everything with such passion, her eyes sparkled. You couldn't get enough, she was like a drug. After about an hour of code names and listening to her plans to blow things up, the meeting ended. God, it felt like you had just got there. You could stare at her for hours. As you were getting your coat on and preparing to leave, you heard Eudoria's voice.
"Y/n, could you hang back a minute," she asked.
"Yes, of course," you turned to Edith, "I'll be right out". She nodded and told you that she would be waiting outside. You walked over to Eudoria, and she waited until everyone left before she spoke.
"I was just wondering if you had a question?" she asked once you were alone.
"No, I don't. I was just listening this time since it was my first meeting and all," you told her. You tried not to seem nervous, but being alone with her made you have many thoughts that you definitely shouldn't be having.
"Of course, I just thought you had a question because you were looking at me a lot," she said, raising a brow.
"Oh... because you're pretty," you told her because you got a feeling that you wouldn't be able to lie. She laughed softly, allowing you to see her soft side.
"Thank you," she said, and it was obvious she hadn't been told that in a while. Still, you knew she would never be yours.
"I should go, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just come in here and fell for you". She watched you walk away, and your hope plunged.
"Wait," she said right before you reached the door. You spun around so fast that you almost fell.
"Come back here tomorrow," she commanded. You nodded and walked out.

Authors note: hi, thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy my new story💖

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