Julia Hoffman~ Part 2

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At exactly 7 o'clock, you nervously knock at the door of the Collinwood Mansion. You adjust your dress, a red one which you spent hours picking out, as you wait for the door to open. A moment later, Julia swings open the door. You're surprised to see her since their butler usually lets you in.
"Hi, love," she greets, the smile on her face immediately diminishing any fears that you had. She leans towards you to kiss your lips quickly, "come on in".

Julia puts her hand protectively on your waist and leads you through the mansion.
"I never realized how big this place was," you say, looking around at everything. You usually just go from the front door to her office.
"I'll show you around later if you want".
You nodded. "I'd like that".
"If you're lucky, you can see my room," she whispered seductively.
"I'll try to be on my best behavior then," you told her, a glint of excitement in your eyes.

She lead you into the dining room, a dimly lit space with an expansive table and roaring fireplace.
"It's romantic in here," you tell her as she pulls out your chair for you to sit down.
She nods. "I think so too". The red-haired woman sits down across from you. She snaps her fingers, and the caretaker of the mansion appears. She orders him to go get your food from the kitchen, as well as a bottle of whiskey with two glasses.
"Everything needs to be perfect for my girl," she finished, looking at you and winking. Her wink sends you into pure heaven, feeling breathless at how sexy she is.

The food comes out a minute later, and you point to your plate excitedly.
"Julia, this is my favorite food!" you exclaim. Her lips upturned in a soft smirk. "I know that, darling".
"How did you know?"
She shrugged. "You mentioned it once," she told you, pretending it wasn't a big deal.
You blushed. "And you remembered?"
"Of course".
"Thank you, Julia. I love it," you replied, taking her hand and squeezing it across the table. That was your love language, when people remembered little things about you. It made you feel special, valued and loved. That's exactly how Julia made you feel.

"You know so much about me, and I hardly know anything about you".
"Oh yeah? What do you know about me?" the doctor questioned.
"Well, I know you like women," you teased.
"Was I that obvious?" she joked.
"Just a little bit," you told her, making her laugh.

"Well, I moved here about a year ago to work with David," she explained.
"And he's part of the family that lives here?"
"Yes, he's the youngest. He's cute, but he has some issues, which is why I'm here. Then, I started taking on other patients".
"Like me!"
She laughed. "Just like you, doll".

As if summoned by the mention of his name, a young boy walked into the room.
"David, what are you doing here?" Julia snapped.
"Are you on a date?" he asked, a singsong tone in his voice.
You giggled. "Hi David, I'm y/n, Julia's..." you trailed off awkwardly. Obviously, you wanted to call yourself her girlfriend, but it was only your first date and you didn't want to push it.
"Girlfriend," Julia said quickly. You smiled, sending her a thankful glance. She nodded her head towards you.

"Carolyn wanted me to spy on you," he told you.
"Oh yeah? And where's that new nanny of yours?" Julia asked.
"She has the night off!" David exclaimed.
Julia rolled her eyes. "Of course she does," she muttered under her breath, and you tried to hold in a laugh.
"Julia and y/n kissing in a tree," he began singing. He walked out of the room and you heard him singing all down the hallway. When the door shut, you and Julia let out the laughs that you had been holding in.

She looked up at you, still laughing. "I'm sorry about that, love".
"It's fine, Jules. He's a cute kid".
"He is".
"Who is Carolyn?" you asked.
"David's older sister".
You nodded. "Is she a patient?"
Julia scoffed. "She should be".
"So are you still my psychiatrist even though we're dating?"
"Of course. Our therapy sessions will just be more," she scanned your body seductively, searching for the right word, "fun".
A blush grew on your cheeks as you felt shivers down your spine, imagining everything she would do to you later.

"What do you do besides work?" you ask her as you take another drink of whiskey. She's done with her food, so she lights a cigarette for herself. She holds one up, offering it to you, and you accept.
"I like to draw," she told you, lighting your cigarette for you.
"What do you usually draw?" you prompted, happy to learn more about the woman who already knew so much about you.
She shrugged. "The house, the grounds, sometimes I'll draw people," she replied.

"I'm sure your drawings are beautiful. I wish I could draw".
"But I'm sure you'd make a pretty subject," she complimented, making you blush.
"You'd draw me?"
"If you let me".
You nodded. "That sounds nice".
She smiled. "Good". You were about to continue the conversation when the door to the dining room opened once again.

"I fucking swear to god if one more person interrupts..." Julia yelled, turning around to see who it was. Walking into the room was a man who looked like he walked straight out of a Bram Stoker novel. His skin was so pale that it was almost translucent like he's never seen the sun. When he opened his mouth to speak, you saw teeth that looked like fangs.
"Good evening, Dr. Hoffman," he said, speaking just as formally as he walked.
"Barnabas, didn't I ask everyone to stay out of the dining room when I had y/n over?" Julia questioned.

"Yes, many apologies, I need to get a drink from the kitchen," he explained.
"Go ahead," Julia said, nodding towards the kitchen.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your suitor first?" he asked, and it took everything in you not to laugh.
"Hi, I'm y/n y/ln, Julia's..." your sentence trailed off awkwardly. It was only your first date, and as badly as you wanted to introduce yourself as Julia's girlfriend, you didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
"My girlfriend," Julia added quickly. You let out a breath of relief, giving her a look that said 'thank you'.

"Charmed, Miss y/ln," he said, taking your hand and kissing it. You looked over at your girlfriend again, and you could tell she wanted to laugh just as much as you did.
"Nice to meet you," you told him, casting Julia another glance that told her you were close to laughing.
"Barnabas, don't you have to get a drink?" Julia reminded him.
"Yes, of course. Enjoy your date, ladies," he said, finally leaving the room.

Once the door shut, you burst out laughing.
"What's up with him?" you asked Julia. She was laughing just as much as you.
"He's an interesting man," she told you.
"Hmm?" she asked, taking another drag of her cigarette.
"I know crazy things happen in this town, and he looks like one of them. He almost looks like a vampire," you inquired. Maybe this is why Julia didn't often talk about the people she lived with; she didn't want you to think she was crazy.

"What if I said that he is? Would you believe me?" she asked gently.
"You'd never lie to me, Jules, I know that".
She nodded slowly. "He is," she told you, "that's another reason why I'm here. He wants me to try and make him human".
She laughed bitterly. "I was surprised, too. If I were a vampire, I would never go back".
"Well, I know you'd look sexy as hell with fangs," you said, making her smile, "but why else?"

"Because vampires stay young forever. They never age a day, so they're always beautiful," she told you ruefully.
"But so are you," you insisted.
She snorted. "You don't have to say that y/n".
"Julia listen to me," you continued, making her look you in the eyes, "I like to think I have excellent taste in women. You're an amazing, beautiful woman. That's why you're my girlfriend".

She smiled softly. "And you mean that?"
"Julia, you look fucking amazing. Honestly, I'm surprised I made it through the whole dinner without taking that pretty dress off of you".
She laughed. "Let's go," she said, getting up and taking your hand.
"Time for the house tour?"
"Baby, I think that'll have to wait. Right now, I think my room is the only place we need to go," she told you, putting her arm around your waist protectively. You smiled to yourself. After months of waiting, you could finally be with her. Right as her door shut, she pushed you up against the wall.
"Oh, I'm going to have fun with you, princess," she whispered seductively, her hand on your neck.

Authors note: next chapter is gonna be all smut

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