George~ Part 1

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"Y/n where are you? I have something to tell you and you're going to love me even more than you already do!" your flatmate, Beth, screamed as she walk in and shut the door.
"I'm in here, Beth!" you called from the kitchen, where you were having a snack before you left for work.
"I have something to tell you," she said in a singsong voice, sitting down at the table with you and taking one of your cookies.

"What is it?" you ask, getting curious.
"Well, have I ever mentioned a woman named George to you? She's a mother of two boys, and I work at the magazine with her sometimes".
You nodded. "Yeah, I think you've mentioned her once or twice".
"She's looking for a nanny, and I told her that you'd be perfect for the job!" your friend told you excitedly.

"You did?" She nodded and you hugged her. "Thank you! Is there an interview?"
"Tomorrow at noon. Here's her address," she replied, taking out a piece of paper from her bag and handing it to you. You see she lives in Primrose Hill, which isn't far from you. You thank Beth again, then walk out to go to the restaurant. You always thought you would have a job working with kids, but you needed money so took a job at a restaurant, then never went back to your job search.

You wake up early the next morning to get ready. You ultimately change into a sweater vest. You want something that looks professional, for George, but something that also looks fun, for the kids. You grab your resume before heading out, wanting to be prepared. You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror one last time. You were hopeful about this job, you desperately wanted to succeed. Every time your friend mentioned George, she always seemed nice. Filled with hope at the prospect of a new chapter in your life, you begin your walk to her house.

You knock on the door to her house, anxiously waiting for her to open it. A moment later, who you assume is George opens the door. She has to be the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. She has brown hair and bangs, which look amazing with her high cheekbones. Her honey-colored eyes look at you with a bit of confusion, her pillowy lips parted just slightly.
"Hello?" she asks, breaking you out of your trace, "can I help you?" Her voice is soft and smooth, which makes the butterflies forming in your stomach even worse.

"Hi, yes sorry," you say awkwardly, "I'm y/n
y/ln. You work with my friend Beth, and she said you needed a nanny".
"Oh, of course!" she exclaims, "come on in, dear". Her pet name makes your heart flutter, and she lightly puts her hand on your back to lead you inside. Her touch is electric, and you feel so lucky that she's standing in front of you so that she can't see the blush creeping across your cheeks.

"You can go sit," she told you, nodding her head towards the living room, "I'll get us some tea, be right there".
"Thank you, ma'am," you said, sitting down on the couch.
"Oh, please don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. Call me George".
"Thank you, George," you corrected, making her smile.
"Much better," she replied, winking at you before she walked into the kitchen.

It was much more of a friendly wink than anything else, but you were already falling for her, and it made your growing crush even worse. You sat down on the comfortable couch, your foot tapping the floor out of nervousness. If you weren't nervous about the interview before, you were now. You didn't want to say something stupid, not in front of George. You needed to sound smart, like someone that an accomplished woman like herself could fall for.

She came back into the room, juggling two cups of tea and a plate of cookies.
"Let me help you with that," you offer, taking the cookies and setting them down on the coffee table.
"Thank you, love," she said, putting the cups down, "here's your tea". You thanked her, and she sat down. You took a cookie, taking a bite while she settled into the seat across from you.

"How are they?" she asked, "it's a new recipe".
"Really good," you told her, "you didn't need to bake for me, though".
"Of course I did, you're my guest," she replied, taking a sip of tea.
"I appreciate that".
"I can give you the recipe later," she offered.
You nodded. "Please," you said, even though you knew you probably wouldn't make them unless you were baking with her.

"Can I see your resume?" she asked. You handed it to her, with a letter of recommendation that you had from a former boss. She looked through everything carefully, asking you a few questions.
"You worked in a kindergarten for a little while?"
"Yes, before I moved to England".
"Why did you leave?"
"I was the last person they hired, and there were budget cuts," you explained.
"And you moved here after that?"
You nodded. "Yes".

"You work in a restaurant now? Would you be able to quit. This would be a full-time job".
"Yes, I want to leave. The work environment isn't very nice, and it's not what I want to do with my life".
She nodded slowly. "So, as you know, I'm the editor at a literary magazine. I try to spend as much time with my children, two boys, as possible. I'm home on weekends and most nights, so you'll have those off. Does that work?"
"Sounds perfect".

"Would you move in here? That would be ideal. There's a guest room upstairs and you'd, of course, be able to come and go as you please when you aren't taking care of the boys," she explained.
"Yes, I'd love to move in".
She nods. "Well, y/n, I see no reason not to hire you. You've got the job. Monday okay?"
You smile. "Thank you so much, George," you exclaim, reaching out your hand to shake hers.
"Would you like to meet the boys?"
You nodded excitedly. "Of course".
"I'll be right back," she told you, walking out of the room.

You smiled to yourself. Not only were you thrilled about your new job, but at the prospect of all the time you'd be spending with your new crush. Sure, she'd be at work a lot, but you were going to be living in the same house as her. You heard footsteps outside the room in enough time to wipe the goofy, love-filled grin off your face. George corrals the two boys inside, and you stand up to greet them.
"Y/n, these are my sons, Joe and Max," she introduced, "boys, this is y/n".

"Hello!" said Joe, waving at you excitedly. You were comforted by his enthusiasm, waving back.
"Hi, Joe," you began, but Max interrupted before you could finish your thought.
"Are you going to be our nanny?" he asked bluntly.
"Yes, I think I am," you told him, looking over at George, who was smiling at you. God, her smile was beautiful. You turned back to the boys, trying to let your thoughts of their mother fly out of your head.

"Will you play football with us?" Max asked.
"Sure, but I have to warn you, I've never played before. You'll have to teach me".
"Now?" asked Joe.
"Boys, y/n has to settle in this weekend. Why don't you ask her on Monday?" George swooped in, saving you from your impending doom of sports. They were agreeable, saying goodbye and running off again to play together.

You turned to George, getting up off from where you were crouched on the floor.
"They seem sweet," you told her.
She nodded. "Yes, they are. I can tell they like you, too".
"I'm excited to spend more time with them," you replied, almost saying "you" instead of "them". Luckily, she didn't seem to notice your almost slip up.
"Well, we're happy to have you here, love," she moved closer to you as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with a tenderness, and she was so close that you desperately wanted to kiss her.

Instead, you just blushed, looking at the floor after a moment of intense eye contact.
"I should let you go," she told you, walking away, "if you need help setting in, let me know".
"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother you. I know you're busy with Max and Joe".
"No matter, y/n, I'm here to help you if you need it," she insisted.
"Thank you," you replied, smiling. This woman was making you feel things you didn't know were possible. She left the room, leaving you alone with your gay panic.

Authors note: okay so I know this chapter is kinda boring but I have a plan for my George story. I think it'll be three parts!
Requested by @helliesluv

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