Marla Singer~ Part 4

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Tw: Xanax overdose threat and mention of Tyler Durden (we all know which is worse)

You had officially decided that you want to be with Marla, and you knew that to do this, you would actually have to make an effort to call her and maintain a relationship. Also, now that you knew you were all she had, you vowed to call her as much as possible. You knew she was a mistake, of course you knew that. Still, you would rather make a mistake with her than be right with someone else.

"Heyyy y/n," she drawled, and you could tell she was high.
"How'd you know it was me?" you asked.
"Lucky guess, maybe it's my stomach full of Xanax," she said simply.
"Jesus, Marla. How can I help?" you were desperate.
"You could keep me out all day, and up all night," she told you, and her sexy voice shouldn't have been turning you on because now was not the time, but it did.
"I think I can do that," you said, smirking. After giving her your address you hung up, and she said she would be over in 10 minutes.

"What the fuck is this, Buckingham Palace?" you heard Marla yell as she walked in. You quickly went over to the door to greet her.
"Hey Marla," you said, walking over to her and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
"I'm serious, look at your house".
"I did only get it because my parents died".
"Oh shit," she said, "sorry". You could tell she wasn't used to apologizing.
"It's okay, you didn't know".
"Do you want to go out?" she asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"Yeah, we'll get food," you said, knowing that could help anything.

You walked around downtown LA until you reached a diner.
"This good?" she asked, and you agreed. You and Marla went inside, choosing a table by the window. You sat down, and you watched her take off her sunglasses, which you found unnecessary attractive. A waiter came over to take your order, and Marla ordered one of just about everything on the menu.

You laughed.
"What? Are you judging me?" she asked, pretending to be mad.
"No, I just wouldn't want this place to run out of food," you joked.
"You're the one who ordered chocolate chip pancakes like some 5 year old kid," she retorted, and you let out an exaggerated gasp.
"I have taste. Plus, it's 11 o'clock in the morning. Who the hell orders clam chowder at 11 o'clock in the morning?"
"I didn't get it last time I was here," she said, and you could tell a shadow passed over her.

"Marla, what happened last time?" you asked gently, taking your hand to old hers across the table.
"They always say you shouldn't talk about an ex on the first date. Technically, this is our first date".
"Since when do you care what others say?"

"Because you asked, I'll tell you," she said, and took a breath before starting, "I was with this jackass guy named Tyler. I swear, that man was the worst thing that ever happened to me. As if my addiction wasn't bad enough already," she gave a sad look.
"I'm sorry," you said, trying not to make her continue, but she did anyway.
"He...he would act like two different people. Love me one minute and yell at me to get out of his house the next. He was a psycho, and he ended up shooting himself," she finished. You sucked in a breath.
"Holy shit, Marla. I'm so sorry he treated you like that," you squeezed her hand.
"You gonna do that?" she asked, her tone was joking, but you knew she was serious.
"I like you a lot. I wouldn't hurt you like that. It's so crazy how quickly we went from hating each other to caring," you laughed.
"I trust you...for now," she said, and you smiled.

Looking up at the clock behind her, you realized hours had passed. You didn't realize how easy it was to talk to her. She was the funniest person you've ever met, but she was deep too, in a dark way. What you didn't eat of your food and long gone cold, and you lost count of how many times someone came over to fill up your coffee mug.

"I just want to make a stop before we go home," she told you, gathering her stuff to leave. She pulled some crumpled money out of her pocket, but you stopped her.
"I can get it. I'm the one who called you," you insisted.
"You shouldn't have to pay, I hate relying on people".
"It's not a big deal. You deserve it, okay?" you told her, cupping her face in your hands.
"Okay, sugar mommy," she joked, and you gasped, not expected that all. She laughed and started walking away, leaving you shocked.
"Coming?" she asked innocently.

After walking around the city more and stopping at a store so Marla could get more cigarettes, you went back to your house.
"So, did I do a good job at keeping you out?" you asked her.
"Just great," she said, smiling. She got a cigarette out of the box and lit it with the lighter in her pocket.
"Want one?" she asked, holding one out to you. You nodded, taking it.
"You're a terrible influence on me," you told her.
"Oh yeah, I'm the worse," she smirked.

You ended up going upstairs to your room, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"My bed doesn't feel like this," she complained.
"You can stay here," you ventured, "if you want".
"I'd like that," she said, smiling.

She nodded, then kissed your lips. You kissed her back with force. This time, you wanted control. You battled her tongue for dominance, and you won, pushing your tongue inside her mouth.
"Now I have to keep you up all night," you said once you broke apart, quoting her words from that morning.
"You do," she agreed, and you kissed her again.

You pushed her down on the bed during the kiss, getting on top of her to straddle her. She groaned into your mouth, which you liked.
"It's a good thing you don't have thin walls," she commented.
"And why's that?" you asked, smirking.
"You'll see," she joked.

You went down to kiss her ear, her jawline, and her neck, leaving little marks. She moaned at each mark you left, and you already knew she was going to be so loud, which excited you. Your hands felt around her body, and you took off her shirt. You kept touching her and started kissing her breasts.
"Like that?" you asked her, "you're fucking perfect, Marla". She laughed, but before she could protest, your mouth came in contact with her nipple, and her moans got louder. You kissed her down to the waistband of her pants.

"Please," she begged, and you slipped a finger inside her pants.
"Mhm, you gonna beg for it?" you teased, kissing her neck again.
"Fuck," she moaned as you slipped another finger under her pants.
"I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me". She threw her head back.
"Y/n, please. Fuck me, make me cum, mommy. I'll be so loud for you, I promise".
"I like that," you said, and she rolled her eyes.
"Just fuck me already," she said impatiently.
"Whatever you say," you said happily, smirking.

You unbuttoned her pants and unzipped them, taking them off and throwing them to the ground. You fingered her through her panties, but you promised you would stop teasing so you took those off, too. Finally, you licked her clit gently.
"Oh fuck," she moaned. Her encouragement helped you, and you pushed your tongue deeper inside her.
"Holy shit, you taste so good," you told her, taking a break to kiss her lips. You went back down, massaging her inner thighs. Putting your tongue back inside, you moved it around, trying to make her as loud as possible.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum mommy," she moaned.
"Not yet," you said, removing your tongue and kissing her again, her wetness on your lips.
"Don't you taste good?"
"Not as good as you," she told you.
"You taste so good, baby".
"Please, make me cum," she begged.

Without warning her, you slid your fingers down her body and inside of her.
"Oh fuck, mommy. God, don't stop," she moaned. She was so loud, and you loved knowing how much you could please her. You pumped your two fingers in and out, and she got louder at each thrust. She arched her back to meet you.

"Cum for me, Marla," you urged. You curved your fingers to hit her spot, and you could tell her head was foggy with pleasure. After one more thrust, you made her cum, and she screamed the whole time. When she was done, you laid down beside her.

"Shit, y/n, that was fucking amazing," she said, stroking your hand under the covers.
"I'm not usually much of a top, but I'm very glad I could distract you".
"That's only round one. The nights not over yet, so I'll have plenty of time to return the favor," she told you, then got on top of you and kissed you.

Authors note: I watched Fight Club this weekend as one does and got even gayer🤩hbclovebot this is the chapter I think is bad lol.

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