George~ Part 2

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The day after you got your job was a hectic one. You had to talk to your roommate, who had promised to keep in touch even though you were moving out. You spent the rest of the day packing and moving into George's house. She had offered to help a few times, but you felt bad accepting. After all, she worked a lot and you didn't want to take away from her time with her kids.

By Saturday night, you were mostly settled in. At least you'd have the entirety of Sunday to relax before starting work. Joe and Max were still adjusting to having someone new in their house, but they had said hi to you a few times. You played music softly in your room since you knew it was around their bedtime.

You were organizing your clothes, hanging some up, and folding some to put in your dresser while listening to who else but Girl in Red. Just as I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend came on, you noticed George standing in the doorway. She looked down at the shirt you were folding, then burst into a fit of laughter.
"It's a good thing I didn't hire you on your ability to fold a shirt," she teased, walking towards you.
You laughed nervously. "I guess it's not the best," you admitted, looking down at the shirt on your bed.

"Here, let me do it," she offered, taking it from you and refolding it.
"Thank you," you mumbled.
"I like this song," she told you out of the blue. Your lips curved up in a smirk, raising your eyebrows at her comment. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, confused. You shook your head, smiling. She'd figure it out soon enough.

"Well, here's your shirt. Much better isn't it?" she said in a cocky tone.
You rolled your eyes. "I would say yes, but you already have a big enough head about this," you joked.
She playfully hit you on the shoulder, erupting in giggles. "I can't believe you," she laughed. Her laugh was beautiful, and you couldn't help but smile. You looked up at her, meeting her eyes. Her hand was still on your shoulder, and she looked down at your lips before looking back up. The tension in the room was palpable, especially when the lyric "I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips" played out of your phone.

The tension was too much, and she pulled her hand away, looking down. There was a slight blush on her cheeks.
"I should go check on the boys," she whispered. You nodded, and she walked out of the room. Your heart sunk. If she couldn't even touch you for more than 5 seconds, there was no way she had feelings for you. You stood in front of your bed, wishing she would come back. Wishing she would just run to you, hold you in her arms, and kiss you.

That night, you couldn't fall asleep. The bed was comfortable and quiet, but your thoughts were loud. You kept replaying every moment with George. How badly you wanted to kiss her, the sexual tension that you felt, but also how she took her hand off your shoulder and made up an excuse to leave. Frustrated, but tired of being alone with your thoughts, you decide to go downstairs for a glass of water. You quietly slip out of your room, not wanting to wake up anyone else in the house.

When you get to the kitchen, the room is dark except for the moonlight streaming through the windows. You expect it to be empty, and you jump when you see George sitting at the table with a cup of tea. When you get closer, you see tears glistening on her face, and you want nothing more than to hug her.
"Oh, y/n," she quickly wipes the tears off her face with her sleeve, plastering an obviously fake smile onto her face, "I didn't see you there".
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll go," you tell her, turning to walk out of the room.
"Stay," she asked simply. Her voice sounded so defeated, which hurt your heart. You nodded, walking over and sitting down next to her.

Everything was quiet for a few moments. She gazed out the window, as lost in her thoughts and you were in yours just mere minutes earlier. Finally, you broke the silence.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked gently, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I hardly know you. I don't want to scare you off," she answered.
"George, you won't scare me off," you insisted, placing your hand on top of hers, but not holding it, "sometimes it can be easier to talk to someone you hardly know".

She takes a deep breath, finding the right words before speaking. "You know I'm really glad you're here, right?"
You nodded slowly. "Yes, I know. I'm glad I'm here, too".
"But I can't help but think that if I had a partner, I wouldn't need to hire a nanny. I'd have someone to pick up the slack, someone to help me. And I'd also have someone to take care of me, not just my kids," she explained.

You let out a breath, trying to figure out an answer. I WANT TO BE YOUR PARTNER, you wanted to scream, but you couldn't say that.
"I get it, it can be really tough to do things on your own," you agreed. You didn't have advice, so instead, you offered solidarity.
"You don't have anyone?" she asked. She was staring down at the table for this entire conversation, like she would crumble if she looked up.
"No, I'm single," you replied.

"I..." she began, but stopped speaking.
"You can say it," you urged.
"I don't want to scare you away".
"George, what could you possibly say that would scare me away?"
"I think..." she took a deep, steady breath, then looked up at you for the first time that entire conversation, "I think I like you, y/n". She interlaced her fingers in yours, and you smiled.

"Really?" you asked gently.
"I've been questioning my sexuality for some time," she explained, "and in your room earlier, I thought there was a moment. I-I thought there was something there. I know I'm not your type. You're so much younger than me. You don't want to take on some middle-aged mom with emotional baggage and two kids, but I thought it was only right to share my feelings".
"George, there was a moment! And you are my type. Ever since I saw you, I had a crush on you. I get butterflies when I'm around you in the best way possible. Trust me, I want to be with you," you insisted, your tone growing in passion as you spoke.

Her eyes moved from yours, only to glance down at your lips. She took her free hand off the table and moved it under your chin. Your breathing shallow, she pulled you into a kiss. She was hesitant at first, but once you kissed her back, you felt her confidence grow. The chemistry was electric between you and George. You had never experienced anything like this. You were starving for so long, just waiting for her touch. While you were still holding hands, your fingers interwoven, your other hand moved to the back of her neck. Her hair is soft, and you pull her closer.

You only break apart out of absolute necessity. Both of you are breathless from the intensity of the kiss, which makes George giggle. You smile at her, at your feelings, at everything.
"That was a really good kiss," she mused, her fingers still under your chin.
You blushed. "It was," you agreed.
"As much as I would love to stay up and kiss you all night, I'm exhausted," she told you.
"That's okay, we can continue this tomorrow," you replied with a smirk. She smiles, squeezing your hand and getting up.

You walked upstairs in comfortable silence, hand in hand the whole time. Her touch felt so natural, so comforting. Every once in a while, you looked at each other, smiling and laughing.
"Y/n?" she asked once you got to her bedroom, "like I said, I'm exhausted, but would you stay in here with me?"
You leaned over to kiss her on the forehead. "Of course, George". She smiled, walking inside and shutting the door.

She pulled open the covers and you both situated in bed. She snuggled into your chest, wrapping her arms around you.
"Is this okay?" she asked, lifting her head up to look at you. You kissed her forehead gently.
"More than okay," you told her, "I'm so happy you asked me to stay with you".
She smiled. "Me too," she agreed, before snuggling back into your chest.

"Y/n?" she asked a moment later.
"Can we go on a date tomorrow?"
You smiled. "You're asking me out?"
"Yes, I am. And you already kissed me and said that you like me, so you really can't say no," she joked.
You laughed. "I wasn't planning on saying no," you told her, "I want to date you".
She rolled over quickly to kiss you one more time. You met her lips in a soft, lazy kiss.

"Good night, sweet girl," she said, snuggling back into your chest.
"Good night, George". You smiled, lightly kissing the top of her head. As you fell asleep, you played with her soft brown hair, intertwining it between your fingers. You both dozed off into a good night's rest, both of you more relaxed than you had been in a long time.

Authors note: I love writing this story 🥺
There will be one more part with the date and smut!! Requested by : helliesluv

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