Eudoria Holmes~ Part 2

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You knocked on the door to the countryside house of Eudoria Holmes. The area where she lived was beautiful, but you couldn't focus on that now. Your heart was beating quickly, and you were scared to see her. What if she was going to kick you out of the group? What if she told someone that you liked woman? After a minute, the door opened, revealing a teenage girl, with the same wavy brown hair as her mother.
"Hullo, I'm Enola. I was just heading out, but my mother is expecting you. She's painting. She's very good you know," the girl said. Wow, she talks a lot, you thought.
"Lovely to meet you," you told her. She agreed, then walked out down the lane. You walked into the house, standing awkwardly in the doorway. You weren't sure if you were supposed to go in on not.
"Y/n, is that you? I'm in here," you heard Eudoria's beautiful voice call. Much more at ease, you walked towards her voice. Just like her daughter has said, she was in front of an easel. On the painting were the most gorgeous chrysanthemums you had ever seen.
"Those are beautiful, you're really talented," you told her, walking towards her.
"Thank you, I love to paint," she told you, and you were happy to learn a new fact about her. She gestured for you to sit on the stool next to her.
"That's great, I wish I could," you said, settling into the chair.
"You can," she insisted, "everyone can paint. It's just an expression of yourself. All you have to do is go with the motions, don't think too hard".
"You make it sound so easy".
"I'll be right back," she said, walking out of the room. A moment later, she returned with another easel, and more paint and brushes. She set up the easel and put the rest of the materials on the table next to you.
"Do you mind if I show you?" she asked, and you shook your head so quickly that she laughed. She got a brush, then sat behind you on the stool, your back against her front. You could feel your pulse quicken, and you hoped she couldn't.
"Just relax," she told you, taking the back of your hand in hers. Her closeness made your breath grow quicken by the second. You took the brush from her and dipped it in the paint. She held onto your hand as you began to paint. You didn't know exactly what you were making, but you let the movements guide you, just as she said. Her hand was guiding yours until you made flowers.
"See, you can paint," she encouraged when you finished.
"I had an excellent teacher," you said with a smile, turning to face her. She smiled, and you realized how close you were to her, so close you were practically touching. Once again, your heart rate speeds up. Normally, you would make some kind of awkward "I have to go" escape, but you really didn't want to go. You wanted to stay here, with her, forever.
"You're looking at me like that again," she said, and you didn't know what to say, but she continued, "no one looked at me like that since my husband, and I'm not even sure he ever did". Your heart skipped a beat, and you didn't know what she wanted you to say back.
"Last night," you begin, taking a deep breath, "I told you that I fell for you. Then, you invited me here. Am I reading too much into this or does that mean something?"
"It means something," she told you, with a nod, "and my old self would have been terrified of that, you know how our society reacts to anyone who isn't straight".
"I do, but you're not scared?"
"I've learned that I'm much happier when I don't care about what others think," she said simply. Leaning closer towards you, she kissed you on the lips. You're a little surprised at first, but you kiss her back eagerly. You wrap your hands around her neck, pulling her closer. Your tongues battle for dominance, but you let her win. For that moment, you're the only two people on the planet, and she kisses you until you can't breathe. Once your break apart, she rests her forehead against yours.
"That may have been the best kiss of my life," she says slowly, and you laugh.
"That was definitely the best kiss of my life".
"Would you like to stay the rest of the day? We can take a walk outside," she asks, looking out at the window, sunlight meeting her face, making her brown eyes look a gorge honey color. You quickly agree, eager to spend more time with your new lover.

Authors note: it's official, I can't write slow burns. I know you hate when I do this, but next chapter might get spicy😏

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