Marla Singer~ Part 3

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TW: overdose threat

It's been a week since you went over to Marla's apartment. She hadn't called, which made you think you were just a one night stand. To be fair, you haven't called either. That's when you vow to call her tomorrow, but first, you need a good night's sleep to deal with her.

*ring ring*
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you say out loud to yourself. Looking over at your nightstand, you see it's 1 am. You have no idea why anyone would call you at that time, so your first thought is that it's an emergency.
"Hello?" you ask, groggy.
"I wonder how many more pills I would have to take before ending it all. My guess is four," says the voice on the other line.
"If I start right now..." she began.
"Shit Marla. I'm coming over," you said quickly, getting out of bed.

On the drive to her apartment, you decided not to totally snap at her once you got there. Clearly, she was going through shit, and yelling at her wouldn't help. So in the car, you ranted to yourself. You ranted about the fact that she woke you up in the middle of the night, about the fact that you liked her no matter how much you tried to stop, and about how mad you were at yourself for being so happy she called. This made you wonder, why were you the person she called? Were you on her mind as much as she was on yours?

"Marla?" you called, running into her ramshackle apartment without even knocking. You stumble in and shut the door behind you. She's sprawled out on her bed on her back. Her arm is stretched out, and she's holding a pill in her hand. Her eyes are focused on the pill.
"Y/n, you came," she slurred, diverting her eyes away from the pill to look at you.
"Of course I did," you said, rushing over to sit on the edge of the bed, "now tell me what this is all about".
"What do you mean?" she asked, going over to the edge of the bed to sit next to you. Her words were still slurred, but all was forgotten as soon as her knees touched yours.

"What's wrong? What provoked this?" you ask, trying your best to be serious and ignore the proximity. She shrugged simply.
"You used to be an addict," she tells you, looking into your eyes, "you know how it is". You nodded because you did know exactly what she meant.
"Is that why you called me?" you asked. You didn't mean to draw the conversation to yourself, but you were seriously curious.
"I didn't know who else to call. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I don't have many other people in my life," her eyes were filled with sadness.
"No family? Friends?"
"No to the first, and yes to the second. I have you," she said, and her sad smile turned upwards to happy. She rested a hand on your knee, which made your stomach start to butterfly.
"I'm here, whatever you need," you told her reassuringly, and you put your hand on hers.
"Well, there is one thing that could help," she said, smirking, her voice dropped into a seductive tone.

Before you could protest, because she knew you were going to, she cupped your face in her hands and kissed you passionately. Her kiss was intoxicating, and you just couldn't get enough of her. She pushed you back on the bed, the kiss never breaking. She climbed on top of you, her hands roaming your body.
"Wait here," she said breathlessly after a moment. Obviously, you did, because where else would you go? She went over to her dresser, coming back with a strap on.

"Marla, I..." she cut you off.
"Didn't think it was gonna be so big, did you?" she teased. She smirked again, which you couldn't help but get turned on at. She laughed, then once again her soft lips pressed against yours. Getting back on top of you, she began to undress you. You were wearing pajamas since you didn't take the time to change before you went to her apartment. She took everything off of you, throwing them off the bed and onto the floor. You reached down to take off her tank top, then unzipped her shorts to take them off as well. You reached for her panties, but she stopped you, instead moving your hand up to her breasts. You touched them, softly playing with her nipple. She moaned and went down to kiss and nibble your neck.

Marla began to grind her hips against yours, and you felt her nipples harden. Your breathing grew louder into panting, the faster she moved against you.
"So sensitive, aren't you?" she teased. She got back up off of you, and you moaned at the loss of contact. You watched her take off the rest of her clothes, and she put on her strap on.

She got on the bed again, but instead of getting on top of you, she laid down next to you.
"I want to watch you ride me," she whispered in your ear, and you shivered at her words.
"Fuck, Marla," you breathed.
"I'm gonna have you screaming that in a few minutes," she joked. You gasped, but then she kissed you. She grabbed your hips, rolling you over so that you were on top of her. You teased her by grinding against the very bottom of her stomach.
"Stop teasing," she groaned, and you did with a smirk. Her hands were still on your hips, and you moved back so you could ride her. You pushed yourself down onto her length. She took one hand off your hips to hold your hand, intertwining her fingers in yours.

"Holy shit, Marla," you moaned as she gently thrust her hips upwards. Her hand was squeezing your hip.
"I love watching you take it," she whispered, taking her hand out of yours and moving it along your body. Her featherlight finger trailed down your body, reaching your folds. You matched her trusts, and you got louder as they quickened.
"Marla, you're gonna make me cum".
"I know," she said, her voice cocky. She fingered the outside of your clit. Just that small motion was enough to push you over the edge. She rode you through your orgasm, and you could tell she was surprised at how loud you were, but she liked it.

Once you finish, she moves you off of her, and you lay down, bodies touching.
"Should I stay the night?" you ask, hoping she'll say yes but not wanting to overstep.
"Please, yes. Also, my neighbors might kill you if you leave," she jokes. 
"These walls are paper thin and I don't think they like to be woken up in the middle of the night".
"You woke me up!" you say, swatting her shoulder playfully.
"You didn't seem to be complaining a few seconds ago".

Authors note: Marla Singer everybody! I'm watching Fight Club this weekend (alone because no one in my house likes it) and that's literally the only thing getting me through the week!

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