Nellie Lovett~ One Shot

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A/n: okay so you and Nellie have been dating for a few months and you work at her pie shop

"Love, will you help me bake? We had a lot of customers last night and I ran out of pies," she told you as you walked into the kitchen.
"I'd love to!" you said, kissing her forehead. She blushed, kissing your lips softly.
"Beadle Bamford came in last night". She was doing a very bad job at hiding the annoyance in her voice.
"What did he want this time?"
"He asked me if my new shop girl was single".

"What did you tell him?"
She smirked. "I told him you that you're my girlfriend".
"Really?" you asked excitedly.
"I can't have him thinking that my girl is single," she told you confidently. You smiled, and she gave you a ball of dough. "Can you roll that out for me, dear?" You did what she asked, making dozens of pies for tonight.

Once you ran out of dough, she took your hand.
"Dance with me?" she asked.
"Of course I will," you said, squeezing her hand. She hummed, and you listened to her melodic voice. She made intense eye contact with you, something she always did but it never failed to make you blush. She wrapped her arms around you, swaying you both around her bakery. She spun you around, and you went right back in her arms.

You looked into her deep brown eyes, and you were filled with happiness.
"Yes, sugar?"
"I," you took a deep breath, "I love you".
She smiled, surprise and hope in her expression.
"Really?" she asked, holding your hand tightly.
You laughed. "Yes, really". She grabbed your face and peppered you with kisses.
"I love you, too," she breathed in between kisses, "so so much".

"I'm very glad I asked you if you were hiring at your shop months ago".
"And I'm very glad I hired you," she joked.
"You're the first person I've ever been in love with," you told her, cupping her face in your hands.
"Aw, love, I feel quite the same way," she said, kissing your forehead, "where's Toby?"
"He's upstairs. Last time I check, he was entertaining himself with some game he made up. Why?"

"Because I want to please my girl and I don't want him walking in," she said, looking directly in your eyes. You felt a blush grow on your cheeks.
"I'm glad he likes me".
"Well of course he likes you. He likes you much better than he did Mr.T," she told you.
"That's because I actually love you and I would never dream of trying to hurt either one of you," you explained.
She smiled. "And that's why you're so much better than he was".

You wrapped your arms back around her waist, and she pulled you close for a kiss.
"I love this dress on you," you told her, feeling up her body.
She smirked. "You just like the corset".
"Nell!" you protested, jokingly hitting her shoulder.
She laughed. "I wear it all for you, darling".
"You do?"
She nodded. "I want to look good for my girl".
"You always look good," you compliment.

She kissed you passionately, pushing you up against the kitchen counter. Your hands went to her hair, which was a mess of soft curls. You felt her tongue a moment later, dominating you. You moaned against her lips, unable to stop yourself.
"Be a good girl and get up there for mommy, okay?" she asked, nodding her head to the counter. You did what she told you, filled with anticipation for what she was about to do.

She looked at you like you were a meal to devour. Lust and hunger grew in her eyes as she lifted up your dress and spread your legs apart. She winked at you, butterflies erupting in your stomach, before attaching her mouth to your clit. You threw your head back, and she moved slowly at first to let you adjust. Nellie was by far the most considerate, caring person you've ever been with. You leaned back, your hands holding you up, and spread your legs more to give her better access.

She sped up her movements, making you run your hand through her hair. You watched her head bob up and down between your legs as she fucked you with her tongue. Nellie could feel you getting closer, and she gently kissed your clit, then moved away to look you in the eyes.
"Mommy, please, I'm so close," you whined, and she moved her body in between your legs to get close enough to kiss your neck.

"You're my little princess, okay? I promise to give you what you want," she whispered, peppering kisses all over your neck. You moaned as she started rubbing your clit, immediately bringing you close to your climax. She smirked, your response encouraging her to go faster.
"Mommy, I'm gonna cum," you moaned out, and she kissed your neck.
"Go ahead, sweet girl. I can't wait to taste you," she said, just her words evoking another moan.

You came all over her fingers, resting on her shoulder as you finished, completely out of breath.
"Good girl," she praised, her head going back down in between your thighs to lick up your folds, "and you taste so good, too". She went back up to kiss you, your taste still on her lips.
"You make me feel amazing, Nellie," you told her as she gently rubbed your back. She smiled, about to say something when you heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Shit," she groaned, and you quickly pulled your dress down. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to get off of the counter before Toby walked in.
"Hello, mums!" he greeted happily, walking into the kitchen, "I smelled those pies from upstairs. Can I have one?"
"Of course, dear," your girlfriend said, rushing over to the oven to get him a pie.
"Y/n, why are you on the counter?" he asked.
"I-um..." you stammered, casting Nellie a fleeting glance.
"Here's your pie, love," she said, handing him a plate with the fresh pie.
"Thank you!" he exclaimed, easily distracted as he sat down with his plate.

She walked over to join him at the table, and you followed.
"Toby, I have something to tell you," she said, and he nodded, his mouth too full to speak, "I want to tell you that I am in love with y/n". She took your hand, making you blush like crazy.
"We said 'I love you' for the first time," you explained. Toby looked between the two of you, then smiled.
"Finally," he said simply. You burst out laughing, not able to stop yourself.

"What?" your girlfriend asked him, a big smile on her face too.
"That's obvious, I'm surprised it's taken you this long," he continued, "I could tell you were in love from the first time you saw each other.
You blushed. "He's right, I loved you the first time I saw you".
She smiled, cupping your face in her hands and kissing you softly, but quickly to not scar the child too much.
"Toby dear, will you go out and pick me up some more flour?" she asked, "I'll give you some extra money for toffees".
"Sure!" he said, finishing his pie and running out of the shop.

Nellie turned to you once he had left, pulling you close.
"You really loved me all this time?"
You nodded. "Yes".
"I'm so in love with you," she told you, "my beautiful girl". She pushed your hair back, planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
"Nell, I'm cold," you told her, since you were standing by the door and it was freezing out.

She pulled you closer into her chest, kissing your forehead.
"Why don't we go by the fire, okay?" she suggests, and you nod. She leads you off into the room next to the kitchen. You sit down on the couch in front of the fire as she goes to pour you a drink.
"Thank you," you say, taking the glass from here.
"That ale'll warm your bones," she told you, sitting down next to you.

"Can I rest on you?" you asked her.
"Of course, buttercup," she said, pulling your head into her chest. She smelled of sugar, and you felt her warmth against your skin. You knew you were safe in her arms, and allowed yourself to rest for what you were sure would be a busy night, since it always was at her shop.

Authors note: I wrote this during english class but technically this counts as reading and writing so...

This is feeding my Mrs. Lovett hyperfixation she's so cute 🥺

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