Rose Weil~ Part 2

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"Are you sure I'm not bothering you?" you asked Rose, crossing the crowded street and heading into Central Park, "I don't want to burden you while you look for inspiration".
"Of course you aren't bothering me, dear. I asked for your company, remember?" she asked, making you blush.

"I'm glad Zara connected us," Rose added, and you felt even better.
"Me too. You're really nice," you told her, smiling up at her goofily.
"Did you think I wouldn't be?"
"Oh no, that not I meant. I definitely thought you would be nice. I think about you all the time. Like, all the time. Very often. 24/7. Anyway, I should shut up now".

Rose laughed at your awkwardness.
"Sorry I'm such an awkward human," you said, turning away.
"That's okay," she told you gently, placing a hand on your back, "I am, too".
"Not as bad as me".
"You said you've seen my interviews?" she asked, and you nodded, "well, I've definitely messed up a few times". Her hand was still on your back, and although just that was making your head foggy, it made you wonder some things. Of course, you knew logically that she was just being nice. But still, a part of you let yourself imagine she actually liked you back.

"Still, it's cute when you do," you told her. Damn, I need to stop flirting, you thought.
"Thank you," she said, and you noticed a blush on her cheeks, "so, how do you like college?"
"Oh it's nice, at least I don't live with my parents anymore". She nods, but doesn't pry.

"How'd you get interested in fashion?" she asked, and it's honestly been a while since you thought someone genuinely cared about you.
"Well, uh, you. Back when my mom and I talked, we would kind of bond over you. I remember back when I was twelve, all my friends were going to their first concerts or big sporting events, but I went to one of your fashion shows," you told her.

"Wow, that's amazing ," she said, and you could tell she wanted to ask you something else, but she didn't, "I've never had a paper written about me".
"What do you mean? You're interviewed all the time".
"Yes, but I feel like I've known you forever. Your essay is going to be much more personal," she said, and you smiled at her compliment.

You looked into her big eyes, and for a moment it was just the two of you in the whole world. You were so close to her, and all you heard was her breath and birds chirping around you. Even quickly, you tried to memorize every detail of her face.

"Well, I'll give you my phone number so you can show it to me when you finish writing," she said, and although you expected the trance to be broken, it wasn't. Her voice, a voice you were so obsessed with, made it better.

"Yeah, that'd be great," you said, unlocking your phone and handing it to her so she could put her phone number in. You were still so star-struck. THE Rose Weil was giving you her phone number.

You watched her as she tapped her number into your phone. Suddenly, your phone made the sound signaling you had gotten a text. Her brow creased, and she handed your phone back to you, flushed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to look," she said, embarrassed. For a moment, you were confused about what text you could have gotten to warrant that response. Then, you looked.

Chad: hey I'm bored. Come over if you'll let me get past second base...maybe some head?

You flushed in embarrassment.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry you had to read that," you said. Luckily, Rose didn't seem to mind. She put a hand on your shoulder.
"Who is that? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, of course".

"He's my boyfriend," you said. You were so used to calling him that, you didn't even stop to think who you were talking to.
"I thought you were gay?" she asked, her voice gentle.
"Oh I am. It's a really long story, but basically I was forced into dating him because my parents were threatening to send me to a conversion camp".

"Holy shit, y/n. I'm so sorry, I couldn't even imagine," she said, her eyes expressive.
"Yeah, it sucks. But like I said, at least I'm away from them now".
"Is that why you aren't close with your mom anymore?"  she asked.
"Yep, she's homophobic. She's so homophobic that when you came out publicly, she stopped liking you". Rose was always very open about her sexuality in interviews, part of the reason you even had the confidence to kiss a girl the first time.

"She sounds awful. No offense," Rose added quickly.
"It's okay, I agree".
"So you don't actually like this Chad guy?" she confirmed, and for a second, those thoughts came back. Was she jealous?
"Not at all," you told her. She nodded, and seemed to be lost in thought.

Suddenly, a butterfly flew past you both. It was big and beautiful, with dark, saturated colors.
"I just had an idea for my spring line," she said excitedly.
"What is it?" you asked, just as excited as her.
"Well, flowers are always very common for spring, but what about butterflies. Their colorings, the patterns in their wings. I don't think that's been done yet," she said, and you could practically see the wheels turning in her head.

"Such a genius," you complimented, feeling the same lightheaded feeling you couldn't shake when around her.
"I should go sketch. It was so amazing meeting you," she said, and started to walk away. You loved how into an idea she got, it was so beautiful to watch.
"Wait, Rose," you called, taking a deep breath before you lose confidence, "will you have dinner with me? Tonight?"
"Yes," she replied, without even thinking about it, "my shop closes at 8".
"Okay, I'll pick you up then," you said, smiling while watching her walk away.

Authors note: we cute🥺 I need to stop watching oceans 8 every week, my parents are getting suspicious 😭💀

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