Eudoria Holmes~ Part 3

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Smut warning
Also, look at the fucking picture. I have never seen more beauty. I looked up perfect in the dictionary and that came up. Say it with me now: P E R F E C T Sorry I'm too gay to function let's begin...

It's a beautiful day out, sunny and not a cloud in the sky. Your new girlfriend walking next to you is making it even more beautiful.
"Are you hungry?" she asked.
"Sure, what did you have in mind?" Since you're outside, you have no idea where she's going to find food. She pointed to a tree a little while up the path.
"That's an apple tree, I climb up there all the time," she says, her voice dreamy. You look at her and seeing how happy she is giving you butterflies.
"Well let's go!" you encouraged, eager to keep that smile on her face. She climbed the tree with ease, and you stayed on the ground, watching her.
"Come on!" she urged, "come up here. The view is amazing".
"Okay, but if I fall..." you began.
"You won't! I got you," she insisted. She held out a hand, and you used that as well as the support of a big branch to climb up to where she was.
"You did it!" she said happily, and you rested back against one of the branches. You smiled at her, and she passed you an apple.
"Thank you". Looking out, you realize the view. She was right about it being amazing. She looks at you, happy to see how much you like it.
"I never bring anyone else up here," she said, "it's kind of my special place". She took your hand, and her voice was so sincere.
"Thank you for showing me, I love it," you told her. She leaned over to kiss you, and you held her, not wanting her to fall.

You safely get down from the tree and keep walking in the forest.
"So how did you find out about," she pauses to find the right words, "my little club". You laugh.
"Edith told me about it. I've known her forever, and I was ranting one day when she asked if I wanted to do something about it".
"That's really great you decided to. I know last night was your first meeting, but you should speak more. We really do value what you have to say" she told you, making you feel confident.
"Thanks, I'll remember that".
"Edith told me you're training with her?" she asked, curiously.
"Yes, for a few months now. I really like it, but I'm not that good yet," you said earnestly.
"I doubt that. But I can help you, I love self-defense". You agreed, and you walked a little further until you reached a clearing.
"Eudoria, are you sure you want to? I don't want to hurt you?" you asked. She got into a fighting position, and you realized that you're the one who should be scared. She laughed when looking at your face.
"You know I won't hurt you," she said gently, and went over to kiss you. She kissed your lips softly and passionately, pulling you close in her arms.
"Ready?" she asked, and you nodded. You moved back, trying to avoid her punches. She moved quickly, trying to reach you until you were backed up against a tree. You realized how close you were, and even though she was trying to teach you self-defense, you got turned on. She knew this, and she took this moment to throw you out back into the clearing. You had winded up your arm to punch, and you did, but she dodged. Unfortunately, because of all the momentum you had gained, you spun and fell down. Eudoria laughed and went to join you on the ground.
"Hey, are you making fun of me?" you asked, pretending to be annoyed.
"I'm sorry, but it's kind of funny". You couldn't help it, her laugh was making you start to laugh. You were laughing so hard that your stomach hurt, and she leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"Don't stop," you told her. She raising her eyebrows, signaling that she was surprised at your boldness. She listened though and kissed your lips. As the kiss got more intense, she moved to get on your lap and straddle you. Her weight on top of you felt amazing, and you put your hand in her hair as she kept kissing you. You began to undo a button on her shirt, but she stopped kissing you.
"Is this okay?" you asked quickly.
"Yes, but I'm afraid I might not be very good". You laughed at first, sure she was joking, but you looked back up at her, and saw the sincerity in her eyes.
"I find that hard to believe. We don't have to, though".
"I want to," she said, nodding. Before you could speak again, she kissed your lips again. She moved down so she could take your dress off.
"Eudoria," you moaned as she began to touch your body.
"I think 'mommy' will do from now on," she said with a smirk, seeing she got her confidence back.
"Yes mommy," you said obediently.
"Very good girl," she praised, moving light fingers down to the hem of your panties. She took them off so slowly that you moaned out a "please". She went back to kiss your lips, her tongue exploring your mouth. You reached up to unbutton her shirt until it was off. Because of the position you were in, you struggled with her skirt, but she took the rest off for you. She was perfect, and the way the sunlight hit her body was making her look ethereal.
"You're perfect," you told her in between passionate kisses. She blushed, then moved down so her hips were against yours. She started to grind them against you, which made you pant almost immediately.
"Fuck, mommy, please," you begged, feeling yourself get sweaty.
"You like that, kitten," she said softly. She put two fingers inside of you. Within seconds she was pumping them in and out, curling them at your spot. You were so close to finishing when she pulled out.
"Mommy, please I'm so close," you told her.
"I know that," she teased, going down on your body, "and I want you to finish in my mouth, my sweet". The butterflies were back. With her tongue, she licked your folds a few times, which was enough to make you cum. You were loud, screaming her name as she licked you gently through your shaking orgasm. When you finished, she laid down on top of you, snuggling into your chest. You put a hand in her curly hair.
"I can't believe you didn't think you would be good," you said, astonished. She laughed.
"I definitely got some positive feedback," she joked.

Authors note: I'm so stressed with life rn I almost cried writing because I just wanna stay in my dr. Anyway, idk if the stress is gonna make me write more or less ( that rhymes)

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