Rose Weil~ Part 3

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At 7:50, you were standing outside Rose's shop, taking a deep breath. Sure, you practically lived inside that store, but this time was different. You were nervous to go in, even though this wasn't a date, which you had to keep reminding yourself.

Finally, you worked up the courage to walk in, just as your phone rang. Fuck, you thought, but picked it up anyway. Since you were so nervous, you didn't even bother to check your caller ID.

"Hello?" you asked.
"Y/n, where are you? I asked you to come over"
"Chad I don't remember actually responding to that crass text".
"Come over now".
"I'm going out to dinner with...a friend," you told him, hoping he would buy your lie. Luckily, he wasn't that smart.

You decided that you would go to his place later. You decided not to worry about that now, because now you were only focused on one person.

You walked inside the store, and you saw Rose bustling around.
"Hi, y/n. I'm just locking everything up, then we can go," she said distractedly. A moment later, she turned to you, swiping a piece of stray hair out of her face. That was hot, you thought, no wait what? Not hot, not at all. Not attracted to her, nopeeeee.

"Hi, Rose". Since you just saw her a couple of hours ago, she was wearing the same thing, but you still weren't used to her beauty. You had gone home and you didn't change, but you did put on what you hoped was a stylish jacket.

"Oh, that's one of my jackets!" Rose said surprised, pointing to it on you.
"Yeah, it's my favorite," you told her, playing with the hem.
"It looks really nice on you," she said, making you blush.

"You look nice too," you said, and you immediately felt awkward. Still, you couldn't stop looking at her. Her accent was so cute you just could take it. God, how badly you wanted to kiss her.

"Thank you. Ready to go?" she asked, breaking the silence.
"Yes, lead the way," you opened the door for her as she walked out, locking it once you were both outside.
"Would you mind if I picked where we go?" she asked.
"Not at all. Do you have something in mind?"

"Yes. Can I surprise you?" You agreed, and you started walking down the street, her leading the way. Why is she begging so nice to me? you thought, Maybe she likes me too? No, no she doesn't. She's just a nice person, that's all.

"So, we can walk there?" you asked.
"Yeah, it's only a few more blocks. I think you'll really like it," she told you, looking back at you and smiling. You could feel yourself melt at her smile.

About 10 minutes later, she stopped in front of a storefront.
"What do you think?" she asked. Looking up at the building, it looked just like a French cafe. There was even French opera music playing. It was beautiful, and even though you just met Rose, she was right in thinking you would really like it.

"I love it, it's so pretty," you told her, and she smiled happily.
"I thought so," she said. She took your hand, which shocked you for a moment but you didn't pull away and walked inside.

Once inside, she sat down at a table, not waiting to be seated. It seemed like she went there a lot because all the servers walked over to the table immediately.

"Rose, so nice to see you again," a man said, placing two menus on the table.
"You too. Meet my friend, y/n," she gestured to you.
"Hello," you said, shyly, but extended a hand which he shook.
"Nice to meet you. I'll let you enjoy your dinner," he said, walking away.

"They know you!" you said excitedly, "well, of course, they do, you're famous," you added, realizing how dumb your first statement sounded.
She laughed. "I go here a lot. This is kind happy place".

"Well, thank you for bringing me somewhere special". Okay okay, she likes me, right? I mean, she brought me to this special place. That's major date energy.
"This reminds me of the time I spent in Paris studying fashion," she said, "have you been?"

"No, I haven't. I'd like to. This is close".
"I go to Fashion Week every year. Maybe you could join me one time?" she asked, her eyes alight.
"That would be great," you said, blushing again.

The waiter came over again asking you what you wanted to eat, and you just realized that you didn't even look at the menu. Luckily, Rose ordered for you.
"Is that okay? I think you'll like what I ordered".
"Of course, thank you. I had no idea what to get," you told her. She placed her hands on yours, and you felt your heart rate speed up.

You and Rose lapsed into a comfortable conversation, and you didn't know that it would be this easy to talk to her. The food came, and she had ordered different kinds of crepes for you.
"I have to say, I get the Nutella one every single day," she admitted, currently taking a huge bite. You laughed and took a bite of yours.
"I might have to do that, too," you said, mouth full.

"I got it," she told you, shooing your hand with your wallet away once you had finished eating.
"No, I couldn't..." you began.
"I insist, dear. I really did have a great time with you," she said.
"Me too, Rose," you said earnestly.

"Do you need a cab?" you asked, about to hail one for yourself.
"I have a driver coming. He can drop you off wherever you want, and then he'll bring me home". Oops, I forgot she's famous again.
"Okay, as long as it's not a problem".
"Not at all," she said, resting a hand on your shoulder.

She gestured for you to get in the car first, and she climbed in after you.
"Where to, ma'am?" the driver asked. Hesitating, you checked your phone. Chad had texted you five times, but you were having such a good night and you didn't want him to ruin it.

"Just home," you said, giving him your address. He started driving and Rose but up the barrier between him and the backseat.
"I'm glad we spent time together. Thank you for saying yes," you said awkwardly, shifting in your chair.
"Thanks for asking me. I gave you my phone earlier, right?" she asked, and you said yes, "good, call me sometime alright?"
"I'll call you when I finish my paper".
"I didn't mean it like that," she told you, resting a hand on your leg. You felt your breathing slow down.

Before you lost your nerve, you leaned over and kissed her lips. They were soft, and she kissed you back. Her hands moved to your back, and yours moved around her neck.

"I'm sorry," you said once you pulled away, fear in your eyes.
"Don't be, I liked it," she told you, just as the driver pulled into your driveway, "call me, okay?"
"In like ten minutes, yes" you joked.

Authors note: I've been wanting to watch oceans 8 for weeks but I haven't had time and it hurts my soul I need my comfort movie

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