Marla Singer~ Part 2

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You're standing outside the door of the apartment number Marla gave you. You had never been to this area in town, and it was freaking you out a bit. You heard screaming from other apartments, everything had chipped paint, and the smell of drugs was evident. You knock on the door and it opens almost immediately.
"Come in," Marla said quickly, not that you had a choice because she grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you inside. The apartment looked exactly like the rest of the building; old and worn down.
"Hey, thanks for inviting me over," you said. Looking in her eyes, you could see something was off. Not only that, but the way she spoke was different too. You knew all about the symptoms of drinking, but it wasn't exactly that.
"Do you want anything? Cigarette? Soda?" she asked, and for the first time, you got a good look at her. She was wearing a black cropped shirt and it took all of you to stop looking at her body. She clearly wasn't wearing a bra, which made a lump form in your throat. No, no thoughts like this. It was just last night that you hated her. It's bad enough you agreed to go to her house, you thought to yourself.
"Yes, sure. I'll have a soda," you said after you remembered she had asked you a question.
"Sit," she told you, gestured to her bed, "I'll be right back". You listened, sitting on the edge of the bed. You looked around the apartment, trying to not be awkward. Suddenly, you noticed a bottle of pills. It all made sense, why Marla was acting strange. Suddenly, you felt so guilty for getting mad at her last night. She was a drug addict, she must be. The pills were spilling out of the bottle, and they clearly weren't for medical use.
"Marla, are you..." you struggled to ask, already knowing the answer, "Marla, are you high?"
"What?" she asked, walking into the room, "oh, yeah, I had some pills this morning". She explained it so simply that you were baffled.
"I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't realize that you were struggling yourself".
"You wouldn't have known," she says, with a sad smile, sitting down next to you and handing you a soda.
"Thank you," it was silent for a moment before you continued, "how did you know I wanted to come over?" She smiled, coyly this time, her mood shifting.
"You did take my number last night," she began, you started to protest but she held up a finger to shush you, "if you didn't want it, you would have left it there. Plus, we had some pretty great chemistry, so I thought you would want to see me again". Everything she said was true, and you couldn't deny that. You just realized how close she was, she must have moved closer when she was talking.
"You're right," you told her. The closeness started to be too much for both of you, and you were about to pull away when she kissed you. You're surprised, and it takes you a second to kiss her back. Once you do, your kiss is as hungry as hers. She kisses you deeply, her tongue entering into your mouth. You try not to but you moan into the kiss, and you can feel her smirk. As the kiss heats up, even more, she pushes you back down on the bed, then gets on top of you. Your hands roam her body, but you stop before going under her shirt.
"Are you sure you want to do this? Your judgment is clouded," you say matter of factly. She laughed, and it came out like a snort, which made you smile.
"My judgment is just fine," she told you.
"I didn't know you liked women".
"Anyone with a pulse," she joked, and you were about to respond but she kissed you again. Her weight on top of you felt really good, and you allowed your hands to go under her shirt. Like you guessed, she wasn't wearing a bra, and your fingers play with her nipples. She moaned and moved her lips from yours down to your neck. She worked quickly to unbutton and take off your shirt, and you took off hers.
"Marla," you moaned as she kissed you down your body. She got to your jeans and unzipped them, taking them off.
"You're cute," she told you, and you smiled.
"Thank y..." you began, but cut yourself off with a moan as she started touching your folds.
"So sensitive," she teased. She teased your clit with a few fingers. Then she went down on you and started to suck on your clit. She pushed her tongue inside of you, your wetness getting all over her.
"Marla, please," you begged, breathing heavily. Her tongue moved, even more, making you get louder. She could tell you were getting closer, and she pushed a finger inside of you. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably.
"I want to taste your cum," she whispered, going up to kiss you on the lips. She put another finger inside of you, pumping in and out fast.
"Marla," you moaned again, and you reached your climax as soon as she added another finger.
"Very good," she praised. She went back down on you again to lick up your cum. When she was done, she laid down next to you.
"Marla, that was amazing," you told her in between breaths.
"You'll have to come over more often," she said, smirking, "maybe I can get you to stop hating me".
"You did, for now," you told her, not giving up too easily.

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