Julia Hoffman~ One Shot

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"Anyway, I've just been depressed lately and I don't know what to do. I feel like I tried everything," you finished ranting to your doctor.
"Not everything," she told you, "would you consider hypnotherapy?"
"Yeah, anything at this point," you said.
"I'll make you an appointment with Julia Hoffman for tomorrow. She usually doesn't take on new clients, but we're friends, so she might make an exception".
"Thank you," you told her as she writes down Julia's name and address on a piece of paper.

The next day, you set out for your appointment. The psychiatrist's office was in a mansion, which struck you as a little weird. Once you got there, the house intimidated you, making you even more anxious.

You knocked on the door, and an old man answered.
"Hi, I'm y/n," you explained, "I have an appointment with Dr. Hoffman". He directed you to her office, and you walked through the mansion. It was dimly lit and ornate, statues and paintings everywhere. You loved it.

You found her office, but instead of going inside, you stopped short when you saw her. You could only see her side profile, and she was sitting down, smoking a cigarette. She took the cigarette out of her mouth, and it rested idly between two fingers. She exhaled, letting out a puff of smoke, and you felt butterflies in your stomach. Oh shit, don't do this, you thought as soon as you realized what these feelings were, do not fall in love with your therapist.

"Y/n?" she asked, turning around and noticing you at the doorway, "I'm doctor Julia Hoffman. You can come in, don't be shy".
"Hi," you said awkwardly, hoping she didn't read too much into why you were just standing in the doorway. Now that you could see her whole face, she was even more stunning: perfect cheekbones, soft-looking skin, deep eyes, and bright hair that added to her whole general allure.

"Nice to meet you," she said kindly, and you shook her hand, which was warm and definitely didn't help with your developing crush, "why don't you take a seat". She gestured to a couch, and you sat down, putting your hands in your lap. She sat back down in her chair across from you.

"Thanks for agreeing to see me," you said, settling into the couch.
"Of course," she said, kindly, "so, tell me what you're here for. You don't have to be specific, we can get to that later".
"Depression. I feel like I've tried a lot of things, but nothing seemed to work," you explained.
"Ok, I want to try some quick hypnosis, then we can talk more and let a bit more specific".
"You're the doctor," you agreed.

"Lay down for me," she told you, getting a locket on a long chain from the table. You did what she said, and she walked over to you. She stood above you, dangling the locket. That was when you saw her teeth. You knew some crazy stuff happened in this town, but this was the last thing you expected.

"What's wrong?" she asked, noticing your concerned face. You sat up. You trusted that she wouldn't hurt you, but laying down made you feel vulnerable.
"It's just, um, your teeth," you said, trying to sound as nice as possible. In no way did you want to offend your new therapist/crush.

She looked confused for a second then ran her tongue across her teeth.
"Oh shit," she turned away from you.
"What's going on?" you asked.
"Y/n, have you ever heard of doctor-patient confidently?" she asked you, her back still facing you.

"Yes, you don't tell anyone else the things I tell you," you replied, not sure how this was relevant.
"Usually, yes. But I need the opposite this time".
"You mean I don't tell anyone what you tell me?" you clarified.
"Exactly," she said, turning back to face you again.

She sat down next to you on the couch, and you felt your heart beating faster.
"I'm trying to turn into a vampire, and judging by my teeth, it worked".
"But why?"
"Vampires stay young and beautiful forever, unlike me. Every year I get older, I get less attractive, and I just get more drunk," she said bitterly, "that's the last thing you want to hear from your therapist". Her voice cracked, and she wasn't crying, but her voice was breaking like she could have been.

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