Madame Thénardier~ One Shot 2

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Authors note: this is completely separate from my other one shot of her

"Come on," Marius urged, taking your hand and trying to pull you out of the chair.
"I don't know if I want to go, I don't usually go to pubs," you told your friends, the rest of Les Amis de l'ABC.
"Technically, it's an inn, not a pub," he countered.
You laughed. "Why do you want me to go so badly?"

"Because we're trying to plan a revolt and you need a break," he insisted.
"Okay, you're right," you agreed, and he cheered.
"We didn't even tell you the best part," Enjolras said.
"And what is that?" you asked.
"There's a woman there we think you'll like," he told you.
"Are you trying to set me up?" you asked, laughing.
He shrugged. "Maybe".

"What is she like?" you questioned a few minutes later when the three of you were walking to the inn.
"Hot," Enjolras responded.
You rolled your eyes. That response was so like him. "And?" you continued.
"She runs the inn with her husband," Marius explained, and continued speaking before you could say anything, "she always sings about how her husband can't satisfy her, so I wouldn't worry about him".

He pushed open the door, and you all walked inside. It was loud, and you felt drowned by all the sounds of laughing and screaming. Even though your introverted self didn't like it, you couldn't help but look around the room for the woman your friends had told you about.
"You know you don't know what she looks like, right?" Enjolras teased. You blushed, embarrassed.
"I'll get us some pints," Marius said, walking over to the bar.

You were surprised at how quickly the time passed. Your friends we're definitely right about taking a night off.
"Hey, look," Marius said, hitting you on the shoulder, "there's the master of the house".
"I don't want him, I want his wife," you snapped, making your friends laugh. Suddenly, the man started singing, and his dopey outfit was making it all the more entertaining.
"There's your girl," Marius told you as the woman appeared next to her husband, "her name is Madame Thenardier".

You looked at her, and you felt like you were in a trace. You couldn't take your eyes off of the woman. You loved everything about her: her messy blond hair, her bold personality, her singing, the way her dress looked on her body, her gorgeous face with its sharp jawline and perfect cheekbones.
Your friend cleared his throat. "Ahem, y/n?"
"What?" you asked, his talking breaking you out of your trance, "oh, sorry".
"Well, what do you think of her?"
"Wow," was all you could say, letting out a breath.
"I know, she's hot as hell," Enjolras said, and you shot him a glare telling him to back off of her.

You were staring at her again, when she looked up and made eye contact with you. You felt like your breath was being sucked out of your body as her deep chocolate brown eyes looked into yours. She smirked softly, and strutted over to you.
"Holy shit, she's coming over here! What do I do?" you ask your friends, your voice panicking.
"Stay calm," Marius said, which wasn't much help since you were already freaking out. Once she got close to you, she rested an elbow on your table, resting her head in her hand.

"I used to dream that I would meet a prince," she sang, getting closer and closer to you, "but god almighty, have you seen what's happened since?" She side-eyed her husband, making you laugh. She stood up, putting a hand on your shoulder. You felt breathless at her touch, wanting her more and more. Before your brain could process what was happening, she pushed you back further into your chair, then got on your lap. Her voice was sexy, and feeling her on top of you made you feel breathless. All you wanted to do was breathe her in and look up at her. Your friends and some of the crowd whistled, but you drowned everything out but her.

Your eyes drifted from her eyes to her chest, which made that made her smirk.
"Thinks he quite a lover, but there's not much there," she continued to sing, looking at her husband with distaste once again. She looked back at you, licking her lips seductively. She leaned in closer to you, her body pressing against yours. And just as quickly as it started, it stopped.
"God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!" she finished, kissing your cheek before getting off of you. Still breathless, you watched her go, and she winked at you.

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